Be Wary of Argentina’s Latest Economic “Miracle”
Has Alberto Fernández learned the wrong lessons from 2002?

AMLO Faces a Moment of Truth in 2021
The president’s dismantling of the economy may soon come to haunt him.

Paulo Guedes’ Biggest Dilemma
Brazil’s finance minister must figure out how to balance an expensive emergency aid program, growing market concerns, and his boss: the president.

After the Default: Argentina’s Unsustainable “20/80” Economy
Too many Argentines are left outside the most productive sectors of the economy, a leading economist writes.

How Venezuela Should Think About Reopening Its Economy
Nicolás Maduro has little fiscal and political room to maneuver as scarcity and food insecurity worsen.

WEBCAST: Universal Basic Income: Panacea or Waste of Resources?
Leading economists from Argentina, Colombia and Brazil debate UBI and its role in mitigating the economic toll of COVID-19.

How To Make Migration an Opportunity for Latin America
Migrant influxes can be a boon for economies, but not without political will, good technology, and some fiscal flexibility.

AQ Podcast: The Coronavirus’ Economic Toll on Latin America
Which countries are most vulnerable? Latin America expert Shannon O’Neil joins AQ’s editor-in-chief to discuss.

Moody’s: Lula Appointment Could Spell End of Fiscal Adjustment in Brazil
Brazil’s political crisis is moving at such intense speed that it’s hard for even dedicated analysts to keep up. AQ’s editor-in-chief spoke on Tuesday with Moody’s ratings agency’s chief analyst for Brazil, Samar Maziad, about how the changes in Brasilia are affecting the economy. At the time, there were rumors that former President Luiz Inácio … Read more
How to Protect and Defend Free Trade
The expansion of global trade in recent decades has contributed significantly to economic growth and poverty reduction throughout the Western Hemisphere. Fueling this trade expansion were two major structural changes in the global economy: the globalization of manufacturing processes and an unprecedented increase in the trade of services and outsourcing across borders. With the onset … Read more
Latin America’s Middle Income Trap
Latin America’s recent economic success carries with it the risk of complacency among the region’s policymakers. Economic growth during 2003–2007 was the highest in the region since the adoption of neoliberal policies in the early 1980s. Most of South America seems to be well on the road to recovery from the global financial crisis, while … Read more