AQ Podcast | Argentina’s Election: It’s (Finally) On
An overview of major candidates and how they might govern, with María Esperanza Casullo

AQ Podcast: What Happened To Anti-Corruption Efforts In Latin America
A conversation on why anti-corruption investigations across the region seem to have lost steam.

AQ Podcast: The Ups And Downs Of Lula’s First Six Months
Political analyst Thomas Traumann on the challenges of Lula 3 and why economic performance has been a lifeline

AQ Podcast | Nearshoring In The Americas: Hype And Reality
Shannon K. O’Neil on how Latin America is faring amidst big changes in the global economy

AQ Podcast: A Sober Look at Colombia
As a convoluted scandal unfolds, Laura Lizarazo assesses what it means for Petro’s progressive agenda

AQ Podcast: Election Fever in Mexico
Political analyst Carlos Bravo Regidor on what to expect from AMLO’s last 18 months and how 2024 elections are shaping up

AQ Podcast: China’s Learning Process In Latin America
Rebecca Ray on how patterns of trade and investment in Latin America have evolved in recent years.

AQ Podcast: The Politics Of Migration In Latin America
The Migration Policy Institute’s Andrew Selee on recent trends in the region and how they’re affecting politics

AQ Podcast | Venezuela: A View From The Ground
Caracas-based journalist Ana Vanessa Herrero on what Venezuelans are thinking about the Nicolás Maduro regime, the economy and elections that are scheduled for next year

AQ Podcast: Explaining Chile’s U-Turn
Patricio Navia on why the political pendulum seems to have swung right in Chile

AQ Podcast: The Importance Of Paraguay
Following Santiago Peña’s victory in presidential elections, a look at how Paraguay impacts the rest of the region, how it fits into the U.S.-China competition and why Paraguayan voters chose more of the same

AQ Podcast: Lula’s Foreign Policy and What It Means for Latin America
Oliver Stuenkel on Brazil’s potential to be a regional leader, and recent controversies including comments over Ukraine

AQ Podcast: Guatemala’s Suspiciously Status Quo Election
Central America’s largest country is struggling with inequality, crime and threats to democracy. Then why do leading candidates in upcoming elections sound similar to the incumbent?

AQ Podcast | Bukelismo Rising: Security Versus Freedom In Latin America
HRW’s Tamara Taraciuk Broner on why many in the region see El Salvador’s hard line as a model to emulate, and how to counter this trend.

AQ Podcast | Argentina’s Elections And Reasons For Hope
As Argentina’s elections approach in October, a political risk consultant argues that despite the current crisis, there are reasons for optimism in the medium term.