Book Review: The Life of a Guerrilla Turned Filmmaker
A Colombian novelist puts a fictional spin on the extraordinary biography of director Sergio Cabrera.

Is Gustavo Petro Leaving Behind Colombian Progressives?
The left-wing candidate for Colombia’s presidency is building new alliances, and straining old ones.

Book Review: A Case for Optimism in Colombia
Mauricio Cárdenas proposes something radical for these times: a pragmatic focus on recent accomplishments.

Colombia, Washington’s “Closest Ally,” Looks to Beijing
An expected surge in Chinese investment may bring Bogotá even closer.

Colombia’s Evolving Relationship with China
AQ tracks how the country has managed its ties with Beijing.

What President Duque Has Done for Venezuelans Is Heroic
As other countries closed their doors, Colombia’s president and its people lent a hand.

How to Avoid a Caudillo in Colombia
Channeling the public’s desire for change in a constructive way is difficult. But here are some ideas.

Colombia’s Protests Could Create an Opening for the Center
As politicians on the left and right fuel polarization, signs of an appetite for centrist politics are starting to show.

The History-Making Colombian Mayor Taking on Crime, Coca and COVID
The first female mayor of Tumaco, María Emilsen Angulo took office just in time for a global pandemic.

WEBCAST: Protecting the Amazon: A Conversation with President Iván Duque
AS/COA hosted a conversation with the President of Colombia, who discussed his country’s efforts to prevent Amazon deforestation.

Colombia’s Crisis Is an Urban Youth Crisis. Old Solutions Won’t Work
Addressing the ongoing unrest will require courage and change

Could Colombia’s Protests Derail its Basic Income Experiment?
The tax reform sparking unrest aims to expand social protections for some Colombians.

Companies Should Examine Their Troubled Pasts – Before Courts Do It for Them
A 20-year-old case in Colombia illustrates the growing push for accountability.

Colombia hizo un gran gesto en migración. ¿Lo seguirán otros países?
El plan de Duque de ampliar las protecciones para los venezolanos podría sentar un precedente en la región.

Colombia Went Big on Migration. Will Others Follow?
Duque’s plan to expand protections for Venezuelans could set a precedent for the region.