El extraño plan de Allende para conectar a Chile, mucho antes del internet
Antes del golpe de Estado, esta red de computadoras buscaba vigilar la economía en Chile.
Antes del golpe de Estado, esta red de computadoras buscaba vigilar la economía en Chile.
La reacción de Chile a una serie de escándalos ofrece una lección para sus vecinos.
Prior to the coup, an early computer network sought to more closely monitor Chile’s economy.
Chile’s reaction to a series of scandals offers lessons for its neighbors.
A new book traces the struggle for equality on the soccer pitch and beyond.
The Goldman Prize was just awarded to Alberto Curamil, a jailed Chilean environmental activist, shining a spotlight on Chile’s policies in the Araucanía.
The former ambassador to China breaks down the future of Chile-China trade, on a new episode of “Deep South.”
Chile’s President Bachelet leaves office after a second term widely seen as disappointing. But her influence was more transformative than many recognize.
With stand-up gaining fans in the region, Netflix will release 15 Spanish-language specials in 2018.
Correction appended below. Stumping in the central city of Concepción with 13 days to go until the Dec. 17 presidential election run-off, Alejandro Guillier’s rhetoric veered from leftist to provocative when he told the crowd that to pay for free education, his government would take from the wealthy, “so they can help build the country … Read more
A surprise in Sunday’s first-round presidential election suggests Chile isn’t immune to Latin America’s anti-establishment mood.
Este artículo está adaptado de la edición impresa de AQ sobre Colombia | Read in English | Ler em português Todos hemos leído los titulares: Petrobras, la empresa estatal de petróleos de Brasil, se ha convertido en los últimos años en un sinónimo de disfunción y corrupción, el epicentro del llamado escándalo de Lava Jato en el que por … Read more
With just six months left in office, Chilean President Michelle Bachelet’s progressive agenda may finally be taking shape. On Aug. 28, Bachelet became the first Chilean president to propose legislation to extend the right to marry to same-sex couples. At a signing ceremony in Santiago, she said it was “neither ethical nor fair to put … Read more