Explaining Evangelicalism’s Uneven Political Success
A new book sheds light on why evangelical Christianity has generated greater electoral power in some Latin American countries than in others.

Mariana Enríquez’s Meaningful Monsters
An Argentine novel uses the supernatural to explore abuses of power in the country’s past and present.

AQ’s Winter Playlist: Mellow Music for the Southern Summer
A selection of new Latin American releases, to warm a cold Northern night or dance a Southern summer night away.

Inside the Vicious Cycle of Mexico’s Disappearances
A new film by Lorenzo Vigas probes the cruel process by which victims of violence can become participants.

Windows Onto a “Hidden City”: Bogotá’s Creative Districts
Renewing distressed areas and recognizing bohemian haunts, these districts in Colombia’s capital have been praised—and also criticized.

Arthur Bispo do Rosario Wanted to Contain the World in Art
Living in a psychiatric institution, the Brazilian artist used found materials to catalog the world.

Pelé Was a Genius at More Than Soccer
The king of futebol was not an easy man to know—but he could be generous in unexpected ways.

Argentina Could Really Use a Win
Politics and soccer mix everywhere, but this year it’s not just the government hoping for a championship to lighten the national mood.

Carlos Manuel Álvarez’s Dispatches Reveal the Real Cuba
Cutting through cliché and dogmatism, the Cuban writer’s new collection delivers a “masterclass in creative reportage.”

The Unfinished Business of Brazil’s “New Middle Class”
In a new film, a family runs out of money to build a swimming pool—revealing personal tensions and a society plagued by broken promises.

Is Alejandro Zambra a Genius—Or a Gimmick Artist?
A new translation of the Chilean writer’s debut novel raises the question: Does he live up to the hype?

Caribbean Art Under the Shadow of Tourism
The curator of a new exhibition highlights artists’ response to an economic regime geared to serve visitors first.

Brazil’s Improbable Journey to Win the 1970 World Cup
The story behind victory in Mexico City shows that then, as now, politics is never far from the “beautiful game.”

A Cuban Puppet Opera Comes to Life in Brooklyn
Pioneering modernists included the full sweep of Cuban culture in this 1934 work, now performed for the first time outside Cuba.

The Peruvian Town Haunted By a Famous Poet
In a new film, a young man tries to escape Santiago de Chuco—just like the town’s biggest hero once did.