Our lead editorial View PDF Past Issues VIEW PDF Past Issues What Uruguay Can Teach Us It’s far from perfect. But Latin America’s strongest democracy offers many lessons, including the value of a strong social safety net, writes AQ’s editor-in-chief from Montevideo. By Brian Winter | Uruguay’s “Fascinating Gambit” On Trade The nation is looking past Mercosur to China and the Pacific—and Washington is in danger of missing out. By Eric Farnsworth | January 31, 2023 Susan Segal: Uruguay Shows the Power of a Sense of Security Good public services are the foundation for business success without backlash, writes AS/COA’s CEO. By Susan Segal | January 31, 2023 Elections 2023 Meet the leading candidates in this year's presidential races. January 19, 2023 Zury Ríos Campaigns to Lead Guatemala’s Faltering Democracy A controversial past weighs heavily on the conservative’s presidential bid. By Claudia Méndez Arriaza | January 11, 2023 China’s Evolving Presence in Latin America As Chinese loans drop off, policymakers in the region must consider how other pillars of the economic relationship have remained steady. By Felipe Larraín B. and Pepe Zhang | January 03, 2023 Luke Skywalker Inspired Him As a Boy. Now, His Company Makes Low-Cost Prosthetics. From Urubamba, Peru, Enzo Romero started LAT Bionics to put prostheses within reach for more people. By Khalea Robertson | January 31, 2023 How Mexico’s “Undefeated Caudillo” Met His End Álvaro Obregón was victorious in the Mexican Revolution, but his lust for power left deep scars on the country’s politics. By Jürgen Buchenau | January 31, 2023 One Year Later: The Pandemic’s Uneven Toll on Latin American Education A year after AQ’s education issue, the COVID crisis has magnified learning inequality in the region. January 31, 2023 Cultura Arthur Bispo do Rosario Wanted to Contain the World in Art Living in a psychiatric institution, the Brazilian artist used found materials to catalog the world. By Luiza Franco | January 25, 2023 Explaining Evangelicalism’s Uneven Political Success A new book sheds light on why evangelical Christianity has generated greater electoral power in some Latin American countries than in others. By Nick Burns | January 31, 2023 Mariana Enríquez’s Meaningful Monsters An Argentine novel uses the supernatural to explore abuses of power in the country’s past and present. By Alejandra Oliva | January 31, 2023 Inside the Vicious Cycle of Mexico’s Disappearances A new film by Lorenzo Vigas probes the cruel process by which victims of violence can become participants. By Ena Alvarado | January 31, 2023 Windows Onto a “Hidden City”: Bogotá’s Creative Districts Renewing distressed areas and recognizing bohemian haunts, these districts in Colombia’s capital have been praised—and also criticized. January 31, 2023 AQ’s Winter Playlist: Mellow Music for the Southern Summer A selection of new Latin American releases, to warm a cold Northern night or dance a Southern summer night away. By Sebastián Zubieta | January 31, 2023