As dez figuras-chave do novo governo brasileiro
Um olhar mais atento ao círculo íntimo do presidente — e as visões de mundo que disputam sua atenção
O que os livros de Bolsonaro dizem sobre sua forma de governar
Jair Bolsonaro exibiu vários livros de forma proeminente em seus vídeos nas redes sociais. Alguns títulos parecem dedicados ä sua base conservadora, outros para inspirar seus criticos.
As cinco políticas prioritárias para Jair Bolsonaro e suas chances de sair vitorioso
Da reforma da previdência ao agronegócio, o presidente parece ter o apoio necessário para aprovar suas propostas
AMLO’s Reading List
This article was adapted from AQ’s latest print issue. To see the rest of our package on Mexican politics, click here. | Leer en español Mexico’s new president isn’t just an avid reader — he’s written more than a dozen books himself. Most of AMLO’s written work is political. 2018: La Salida, for example, skewered Mexico’s traditional power elites and provided … Read more
Las Diez Personas Claves para el Nuevo Gobierno Mexicano
Este artículo fue adaptado de la más reciente edición impresa de AQ. Para leer más sobre el nuevo gobierno en México, haz clic aquí | Read in English Los Favoritos del Mercado Alfonso Romo, 68Jefe de gabinete Quién es: Romo, un millonario exjinete olímpico que es el enlace entre AMLO y el sector privado, tiene intereses de inversión en seguros, … Read more
Cinco Prioridades del Gobierno de AMLO
Este artículo fue adaptado de la más reciente edición impresa de AQ. Para leer más sobre el nuevo gobierno en México, haz clic aquí | Read in English Nota: “Probabilidad de implementación” se refiere a la posibilidad de que se implementará una política determinada, no de si logrará el resultado esperado. Reducir la violenciaA largo plazo AMLO quiere una política … Read more
La Lista de Lectura de AMLO
Lo que los libros favoritos del presidente dicen de cómo gobernará.
Five Priorities for AMLO’s Government
This article was adapted from AQ’s latest print issue. To see the rest of our package on Mexican politics, click here. | Leer en español Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s promises to “transform” Mexico into a safer, more equitable country. But the challenges he’ll face over the next six years are immense. Below, AQ takes a look at five of AMLO’s … Read more
Ten Key Figures for Mexico’s New Government
A close look at the competing voices guiding Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s “fourth transformation.”
Amid Nationalist Wave, Brazilian Diplomats Look Back on the Art of Foreign Policy
A new book reflects on a mosaic of diplomatic strategies from Latin America and beyond, edited by Benoni Belli and Filipe Nasser.
After Marielle, These Black Women Are Changing the Face of Brazilian Politics
After the March murder of Rio Councilwoman Marielle Franco, a new wave of black, female politicians has won elected office.
What Jair Bolsonaro’s Reading List Says About How He’ll Govern
The Brazilian president has displayed numerous books at events and on social media. Some appeal to his base, while others seem aspirational.
Jair Bolsonaro’s Five Policy Priorities and How Likely He’ll Get His Way
From pension reform to agribusiness, Bolsonaro has the support to overhaul policy on these five issues.
![Top 5 Figures in Bolsonaro's Government](
Ten Key Figures for Brazil’s New Government
A close look at the president’s inner circle—and the world views vying for his attention.
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How illegal tobacco has become a vehicle to finance organized crime and terrorist groups.