One Year Later: The Pandemic’s Uneven Toll on Latin American Education
A year after AQ’s education issue, the COVID crisis has magnified learning inequality in the region.

AQ Podcast: A Lost Generation? The Crisis in Latin American Schools
Recent success could be undone – unless the region embraces bold ideas, says a leading expert on education in the COVID era.

Como reverter o impacto da pandemia na educação
Um renascimento pós-COVID é possível – se governantes fizeram a escolha certa.

Cómo revertir el efecto de la pandemia en la educación latinoamericana
A pesar de las estadísticas desoladoras, es posible un renacimiento del aprendizaje tras la pandemia, si los gobiernos eligen el camino correcto.

Nuevo en AQ: ¿Una generación perdida? Los desafíos que enfrentan las escuelas latinoamericanas
La región sufrió la interrupción de clases más larga del mundo. En este informe especial, AQ examina los daños, explorando a la vez las posibles soluciones.

Argentina’s Creative Work to Get Kids Back in Class
In the outskirts of Buenos Aires, aggressive outreach programs aim to reduce dropout rates. Is it enough?

Un esfuerzo creativo en Argentina para que los niños vuelvan a clase
En la periferia de Buenos Aires, unos programas intensivos de alcance comunitario pretenden reducir las tasas de abandono escolar. ¿Será suficiente?

Edu Lyra: How to Fight Poverty from Within
Brazilian NGO Gerando Falcões reaches hundreds of favelas by partnering with local activists.

Facing Hunger, Venezuelans Rely on Nature’s Bounty
Photographer Andrea Hernández Briceño depicts how the land provides a precarious solution to the country’s food shortages.

Long View: When An Austrian Archduke Became Emperor of Mexico
The little-known story of the 19th-century French invasion that gave rise to Cinco de Mayo.

NEW AQ: A Lost Generation? The Challenges Facing Latin American Schools
The region had the world’s longest school closures. In this special report, AQ surveys the damage, while exploring possible solutions.

How to Reverse COVID’s Toll on Latin American Education
Despite grim statistics, a post-pandemic renaissance in learning is possible – if governments choose the right path.

Susan Segal: Fixing Education Should Be Our Top Priority
Thoughtful investment in learning after the pandemic is a must for the region’s leaders.

Book Review: Will Bolsonarismo Outlast Bolsonaro?
A new book by Richard Lapper sheds light on Brazil’s culture of popular conservatism.

Book Review: The Life of a Guerrilla Turned Filmmaker
A Colombian novelist puts a fictional spin on the extraordinary biography of director Sergio Cabrera.