Los millennials latinoamericanos quieren reforma, no la revolución
La generación más jóven es menos radical que de lo que piensan los mayores. Sin embargo, su paciencia con la democracia se puede agotar si no se tratan desafíos como la desigualdad y el cambio climático, una jóven periodista peruana relata en nuestra nota principal.

Millennials da América Latina querem reformas, não uma revolução
Jovens são menos radicais do que os mais velhos pensam. Mas a paciência deles com a democracia pode acabar a não ser que desafios como a desigualdade e mudanças climáticas sejam enfrentados, diz a jovem jornalista peruana na nossa reportagem de capa.

Latin American Millennials Want Reform, Not Revolution
The younger generation is less radical than elders think. But their patience with democracy may run out unless challenges like inequality and climate can be addressed, a young Peruvian journalist writes in our cover story.

AQ Podcast: Latin America’s New Pink Tide and a Look at Brazil
Oliver Stuenkel on the consolidation of a wave of leftist and left-leaning leaders in the region

Why Latin America Lost at Globalization—and How It Can Win Now
A case for greater intraregional trade in today’s changing world

How to Harness Shifting Supply Chains? Four Experts Explain
Leading voices from Latin America’s public and private sector look at strategies for the current moment.

Still Betting Big: Argentine Venture Capitalists Hernán Kazah and Nicolás Szekasy
Venture capital investment is receding again in Latin America. But the founders of Kaszek Ventures see the upside.

NEW AQ: A Once-in-a-Generation Opportunity for Latin America
A changing world has opened the way for greater nearshoring and regional integration. But action is needed to make it a reality, AQ highlights in this special report.

Latin America’s Second Pink Tide Looks Very Different from the First
Today’s leftist leaders face much tougher challenges than did their predecessors.

The Lessons from Latin America’s COVID-19 Turnaround
The region went from being a symbol of pandemic failure to having a lower average number of deaths than industrialized nations. There are important lessons for the future.

AQ Podcast: What a Global Recession Might Mean for Latin America
Inflation, high interest rates and a slowdown in China present challenges, but the region’s economies have been resilient, says Revilla.

Highlights from the Summit of the Americas
AQ reports the latest on initiatives designed and agreements reached related to the Summit.

Will Russian Influence in Latin America Grow in 2022?
Russia’s aggressive diplomacy has paid off, and a new “Pink Tide” may make the region even more receptive.

Latin America Risks Overreacting to Commodities Shock
The region faces particular risk in its economic policy responses to the fallout from the war in Ukraine.

A “Green Arms Race” Could Be Great for Latin America
The U.S.-China rivalry could help create a more environmentally healthy and socially equitable hemisphere. But there are obstacles.