NEW AQ: Is Latin America’s Millennial Generation More Authoritarian—or Democratic?
Millennials account for about a quarter of the population, and are rising into positions of power. A special report explores how they may change politics forever.

Los millennials latinoamericanos quieren reforma, no la revolución
La generación más jóven es menos radical que de lo que piensan los mayores. Sin embargo, su paciencia con la democracia se puede agotar si no se tratan desafíos como la desigualdad y el cambio climático, una jóven periodista peruana relata en nuestra nota principal.

Graphic: Chile’s Young Politicians
AQ looks at indicators measuring youth participation in politics—and profiles leading politicians age 40 and under.

Nuevo en AQ: Una nueva generación toma las riendas
Los políticos millennials están asumiendo el poder en toda América Latina. ¿Serán más autoritarios que sus mayores?

Millennials da América Latina querem reformas, não uma revolução
Jovens são menos radicais do que os mais velhos pensam. Mas a paciência deles com a democracia pode acabar a não ser que desafios como a desigualdade e mudanças climáticas sejam enfrentados, diz a jovem jornalista peruana na nossa reportagem de capa.

Graphic: Argentina’s Young Politicians
AQ looks at indicators measuring youth participation in politics—and profiles leading politicians age 40 and under.

Brazil’s Improbable Journey to Win the 1970 World Cup
The story behind victory in Mexico City shows that then, as now, politics is never far from the “beautiful game.”

Graphic: Brazil’s Young Politicians
AQ looks at indicators measuring youth participation in politics—and profiles leading politicians age 40 and under.

Rodrigo Chaves Brings Confrontational Leadership to Costa Rica
Clashes with the legislature and the press and high inflation haven’t hurt Chaves’s high approval, but will it last?

AQ Podcast | Former President Solís on Central America: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
A comprehensive look at challenges to democracy but also reasons for hope in the region

The Rise of Congress Will Have Consequences for Brazil’s Victor
New powers for Congress mean increased checks on the executive, regardless of whether Lula or Bolsonaro wins on October 30.

AQ Podcast | New Unrest in Cuba: What It Means
Political scientist Javier Corrales assesses social and economic challenges on the island

Letter to the Editor: Spotlighting Paraguay’s Opposition
A response from AQ’s readers

Paraguay Is Poised for a Turbulent Election Season
Corruption allegations and infighting in the dominant party point to an especially fraught road to the 2023 elections.

Lima’s New Mayor Resembles a Peruvian Bolsonaro
Rafael López Aliaga’s win reveals a trio of challenges for Peruvian democracy.