Foreign Policy
Invading Venezuela Is a Terrible Idea
A rejoinder to Ricardo Hausmann’s call for military intervention.
Elections 2018
“Prexit”: Latin America’s Real 2018 Dilemma
Curtailing the influence of ex-presidents would create space for fresh leadership.
Impeachment, PPK and Peru’s Stunted Democracy
Immature parties and political institutions have left Peru on the brink of crisis. A coming impeachment vote spells more trouble ahead.
Transparency & Corruption
Are Mexicans Imagining Their Corruption Problem?
To hear some political elites tell it, Mexicans shouldn’t worry too much about corruption. Despite polls showing that citizens’ perception of corruption is higher than ever, President Enrique Peña Nieto and members of his government have recently suggested that the use of social networks has simply made long-existing crookedness more visible. Rather than fully accepting … Read more
Web Exclusive
La paz de Colombia necesita de un toque local
Read in English En el corazón del acuerdo de paz de Colombia con las Farc hay un sincero ímpetu de mejorar las condiciones de vida del campo del país, que ha sido abandonado por décadas. Una serie de programas nacionales de educación, salud, electrificación, construcción de vivienda y entrega de créditos en el sector agrícola, … Read more
A New Generation Is Changing Paraguayan Politics
While less dramatic than in the rest of Latin America, there is a transformation in Paraguay led by those born in the late 1970s and 1980s.
Elections 2018
How a Competitive Primary Race Could Shape Paraguay’s Future
ASUNCIÓN – When Paraguayans go to the polls on Dec. 17 to choose their parties’ candidates for April’s presidential race, incumbent President Horacio Cartes will not – despite his best efforts – be on the ballot. But Cartes’ legacy, shaped partly by his controversial push for re-election and the protests it sparked, will be. That’s … Read more
Meet the Women Working to Change the Face of Latin American Media
How more women are succeeding in Latin America’s quickly evolving newsrooms.
Elections 2018
Why I Believe Lula Will Be a Candidate in October
Jailing a presidential frontrunner is “not the Brazilian tradition,” for better and for worse, writes AQ’s editor-in-chief.
Decoding Chile’s Presidential Wild Card, Alejandro Guillier
Correction appended below. Stumping in the central city of Concepción with 13 days to go until the Dec. 17 presidential election run-off, Alejandro Guillier’s rhetoric veered from leftist to provocative when he told the crowd that to pay for free education, his government would take from the wealthy, “so they can help build the country … Read more
Why CFK’s Arrest Warrant Is Nothing to Celebrate
A questionable court ruling could bolster suspicions about politicized courts in Argentina.
Web Exclusive
Women, Technology and the Future of Latin American Media
This article has been corrected When Mariana Santos started working as a designer in digital newsrooms, she was struck by the fact that she was often the only woman on the team. This alarmed her. As journalism continues its rapid shift to digital platforms, women had to lead the way – or they would be … Read more
Venezuela’s Long Game: What Maduro Stands to Gain on Dec. 10
The victory of Nicolás Maduro’s governing coalition in provincial elections on Oct. 15 marked a turning point for Venezuela’s opposition. The government proved it had a winning formula to keep its opponents’ electoral prospects in check – through trickery, repression and coercion – despite Maduro’s limited support among the population. The MUD opposition coalition, by … Read more
Transparency & Corruption
Swiss Banks Also Feeling the Sting of Brazil’s Car Wash Investigation
The opacity of Switzerland’s banking system served the corruption scheme well. Swiss authorities are looking at ways to change that.
Transparency & Corruption
The Judge Who Is Resisting Brazil’s Lava Jato
As Brazilians fight against corruption and cronyism, one Supreme Court judge insists on doing things the old-fashioned way.