Richard Lapper

Richard Lapper is an independent journalist and consultant. He worked at the Financial Times between 1990 and 2015. He was the newspaper’s Latin America editor between 1998 and 2008, headed up the FT’s investment research service on Latin America from 2010 until 2015, and the entire emerging market research service between 2014 and 2015. Lapper was also Southern Africa burueau chief (2008-2010), capital markets editor (1994-1997) and financial news editor (1997-1998). Lapper began his journalistic career with the London-based Latin America Newsletter in 1980. He spent two years covering Central America between 1981 and 1982 and visited the region frequently in a freelance capacity during the rest of that decade.
- Bolivia Fails to Turn the Page
- Class Is In Session: Inside the Brazilian Schools Welcoming Venezuelans
- This Brazilian State Seems to Have Turned a Corner on Violence. But Can It Last?
- Bolsonaro Took Aim at China. Then Reality Struck.
- Bolsonaro mirou na China – mas caiu na real
- Bolsonaro tenía a China en la mira. Pero la realidad lo desafió.
- It’s Lula Forever in Brazil’s Northeast
- Macri’s Argentina: Is This Time Different?
- Against the Tide: Why It’s So Hard to Stop the Violence in Brazil
- I Visited Flint, Michigan and a Mexican Boomtown to Study NAFTA’s Effects. Here’s What I Found.
- Visité dos ciudades industriales en EE.UU. y México para estudiar los efectos del TLCAN. Esto fue lo que encontré.
- Where Are Central America’s Real Jobs?
- Centroamérica sigue tan violenta como siempre. ¿Cómo podría cambiar?
- Central America Is As Violent As Ever. What Would it Take to Change?