Politics, Business & Culture in the Americas

AQ Podcast: What Trump Would Mean for Latin America Policy

A conversation with the Trump administration’s former ambassador to the OAS
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Donald Trump is the presumptive Republican nominee, and polls show him with a chance of winning the election in November. With that in mind, in this episode we try to gauge what Trump 2.0 would entail for U.S. policy toward Latin America. Our guest is the former U.S. ambassador to the OAS (Organization of American States) under Trump, Carlos Trujillo. Trujillo continues to speak to the former president and is seen in Washington as an insightful voice on what might happen in Latin America should Trump be elected to another term.

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On this episode:

Carlos Trujillo is a former U.S. ambassador to the OAS

Brian Winter is the editor-in-chief of Americas Quarterly

If you’d like to know more: 

Venezuela’s Grand Bargain by Mark Feierstein

The U.S.-Venezuela Agreement: Big Hopes and Big Questions by Tony Frangie-Mawad

AQ Podcast: The White House’s Juan Gonzalez on the Venezuela-U.S. Deal

Cuba Wants Business. Trump Is Making That Harder. By Anya Landau-French

Tags: AQ Podcast, Colombia, Donald Trump, Latin America, Mexico, Migration, Trade deals, Trade integration in Latin America, U.S. Policy, U.S.-Latin America relations, U.S.-Mexico border, Venezuela
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