Un Puente Dorado para el Gobierno de Maduro
Quienes detentan el poder necesitan incentivos para participar en una posible transición democrática. Las investigaciones penales sobre corrupción y otros delitos conexos pueden proporcionarlos.

A Golden Bridge for the Maduro Government
Those in power need incentives to engage in a potential democratic transition. Criminal investigations into corruption and related crimes can provide them.

Caribbean Leaders Want Petrocaribe Back. Could It Happen?
The subsidized oil procurement agreement with Venezuela collapsed in 2019. Thirsty neighbors now seek near-term assistance once more.

Can Amazon Basin Presidents Find Consensus on Protecting the Forest?
AQ talked to Kleber Karipuna, member of the organizing committee of the OTCA presidential summit, on the challenges facing the region—from crime to carbon markets.

Venezuela’s Fickle Economic Recovery Is Falling Apart
The 2022 growth spurt is waning while the electoral process is heating up.

The U.S. Should Have Moderate Expectations for Venezuela’s Election
Upcoming elections can help the opposition reconnect with voters, but they won’t resolve everything and could come with downsides.

Gustavo Petro Can’t Ignore Human Rights in Venezuela
At his summit on Venezuela, Colombia’s president must demand respect for democracy and the environment, writes a former Venezuelan mayor.

Venezuela’s Opposition Still Has Lots of Work to Do
Upcoming primary elections present an opportunity, but don’t guarantee unity—or a connection with voters.

AQ Podcast: Changing U.S. Policy Toward Venezuela
Former officials from both the Trump and Obama administrations argue the U.S. should support Venezuelan elections in 2024.

A Bipartisan U.S. Approach On Venezuela Is Possible—and Necessary
Trump and Obama National Security Council appointees pitch a new strategy, together.

AQ Podcast: Ways Forward for the Amazon
A Brazilian security and development expert on political challenges ahead for the region, but also responsible investment opportunities.

Venezuela Isn’t on Track for 2024 Elections
Widespread expectations for political opening in exchange for sanctions relief ignore a difficult global landscape and enduring crisis at home.

In Venezuela, a Delicate Balance for the ICC
The International Criminal Court is pressing Venezuela to punish human rights abuses—but few results have so far emerged.

Graphic: Venezuela’s Young Politicians
AQ looks at indicators measuring youth participation in politics—and profiles leading politicians age 40 and under.

The Destruction of Venezuela’s Amazon Is Going Virtually Unnoticed
New reports highlight the scope of the crisis, but the international community has yet to respond.