The Complex Task of Reviving Multilaterals in Latin America
A renaissance in regional cooperation will have to start small – and skirt polarization.

A difícil tarefa à frente para instituições multilaterais na América Latina
O renascimento da cooperação regional requer passos lentos — e distância da polarização.

La compleja tarea de revitalizar las relaciones multilaterales en América Latina
El renacimiento de la cooperación regional tendrá que ser paulatina —y evitar la polarización.

Thomas Shannon: The US Steps Back from the Brink
Washington is still recovering from the failed insurrection, but there are some reasons for optimism, writes one of the country’s most accomplished former diplomats.

Venezuela Needs More Realism, Less Hubris from the US
The Biden administration must refine the U.S.’s strategy towards the 20-year-old dictatorship.

Under Biden, Big Changes on Drugs and Crime Seem Unlikely
A December report could lead to some modifications of U.S. anti-drug policy, but no dramatic steps.

WEBCAST: The New Face of Multilateralism Under Biden
AS/COA hosts an expert discussion about the revitalized role of multilateral organizations in Latin America.

Biden y AMLO: Reset o desastre
Las políticas sobre seguridad, migración y comercio tienen que evolucionar. Y algo de diplomacia personal ayudaría también.

Biden and AMLO: Reset or Disaster
Policies on security, immigration and trade all need to evolve. Some personal diplomacy would help, too.

How Biden Can Change Bolsonaro’s Mind on the Amazon
Biden can learn important lessons from Europe’s failure to coax Brazil into moderating its environmental policies.

Cuba’s Racial Reckoning, and What It Means for Biden
Recent protests have challenged longstanding taboos, with unpredictable consequences for the regime.

The Difficult Search for a “Brazilian Biden”
Bolsonaro looks beatable in 2022 if Brazil’s opposition manages to overcome its internal divisions. Don’t count on it.

Joe Biden y el Futuro de las Américas
La política estadounidense hacia América Latina debería priorizar la cooperación, el estado de derecho y el cambio climático, entre otras consideraciones, escribe un ex-asesor de Biden.

AQ Podcast: What a Biden Presidency Would Mean for Latin America
A focus on long-term challenges would shape Biden’s policy toward the region, says a former special advisor.

Joe Biden and the Future of the Americas
US policy towards Latin America should prioritize cooperation, rule of law and climate change, among other considerations, writes a former Biden advisor.