Politics, Business & Culture in the Americas

Panorama: Looking at our hemisphere from all directions (Spring 2008)

Hispanic Voting In states across the U.S., this year’s presidential primary elections have seen some of the highest voter turnouts in the past 40 years. Fighting for votes state-by-state, candidates are courting an increasingly important electorate: the Hispanic population.


Citizens Strengthening Democracy

Weak democratic institutions and a failure to improve the quality of life for millions have ushered in a new era of authoritarianism with a populist tinge in Latin America. The result: a step back for the rule of law and for democracy. Human rights and democracy organizations have tried to confront this challenge. But without … Read more


We Are All Immigrants Now

We are a hemisphere of immigrants. For thousands of years—before Europeans first set foot in what was called the “New World”—this hemisphere has attracted people from around the globe. Over the last five centuries, European, Asian and African immigrants have influenced the culture, politics and economies of North and South America. A visit to Mexico … Read more


A Bipartisan Approach to Reduce Poverty and Boost the Western Hemisphere’s Middle Class will Soon Fall by the Wayside.

Congress will meet one more time next week before likely packing up and heading home for the holidays. That may be good news for automakers seeking relief but lawmakers will be leaving behind much unfinished business for our Americas policy. For one, the Colombia and Panama free-trade agreements (FTAs) have yet to be considered. Passage … Read more


Here’s How We Can Move Forward Quickly on the Pending Trade Agreements

In my AQ article discussing the hemispheric agenda from the Washington perspective, I noted that expanded trade with the United States continues to be a critical driver of hemispheric development, even more so in a period of global economic stress.  Latin American nations enjoying FTA’s with the United States have put them to very good … Read more


Memos to the President Elect

Articles: Let’s Confront Global Challenges Together by Michelle Bachelet “The world is ripe for a renewed and strengthened multilateralism, and the support of the U.S. will be decisive.” Full text available. Reexamine the War on Drugs by Carlos Basombrio “We still need the United States at our side to advance the cause of human rights … Read more

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