Brazil 2018: The Case for Fernando Haddad
If elected, Fernando Haddad has a chance to improve Brazil’s fortunes. But the odds will still be stacked against him.
If elected, Fernando Haddad has a chance to improve Brazil’s fortunes. But the odds will still be stacked against him.
Win or lose, Jair Bolsonaro’s rise poses a threat to Brazil’s young democracy.
Three years ago, Guatemala surprised the world when the Public Ministry (MP) and a U.N.-backed anti-corruption body – the International Commission Against Impunity (CICIG) – uncovered a nationwide graft scheme that reached all the way up to the then-president, Otto Pérez Molina, landing him and a dozen others in prison. It was the biggest splash … Read more
Professor and columnist Anita Isaacs discusses why backing CICIG is in the U.S.’ interests on this episode of “Deep South.”
Subscribe to “Deep South” on iTunes and Soundcloud The question of how to reduce violence will play a central role in Brazil’s October presidential election. Will voters opt for mano dura, in the form of retired Army captain Jair Bolsonaro, or will they choose a more comprehensive approach to fighting crime? In this episode of “Deep South,” Ilona Szabo, the … Read more
A personal look at Colombia’s new president – and whether the country can finally leave a troubled past behind.
Subscribe to “Deep South” on iTunes and Soundcloud Are Juan Centeno’s journals evidence for a new Argentinian Lava Jato? This former military officer and government driver’s personal records have shaken the country, resulting in the arrest of prominent businessmen and former government officials. Both of the former Kirchner administrations are now under scrutiny and this case will surely … Read more
Un ex-alcalde exiliado pide mayor compromiso internacional en Venezuela.
In the wake of the Aug. 4 drone explosion, an exiled former mayor calls for more international engagement in Venezuela.
What a more honest column for the New York Times by Brazil’s former president might have looked like.
Read in English El año pasado realicé un viaje investigativo a Centroamérica y Nicaragua resultó ser la parada más fácil de mi travesía. A diferencia de Honduras o El Salvador donde se requiere de una planificación cuidadosa debido a la situación de inseguridad abismal, Nicaragua se encontraba entre los países más seguros de América Latina, … Read more
Nicaragua’s explosion into conflict was predictable – and reflects trends common in the region.
The imprisoned former president will be center stage in the Oct. 7 election – even if he’s not a candidate.