Arts & Culture

Film Review: Too Late to Die Young
A rustic commune outside Santiago serves as the backdrop for this Chilean coming-of-age story.

AQ’s Summer Playlist
A Guatemalan cellist, a Uruguayan pianist and a Cuban funk phenom are highlighted in this edition of AQ’s quarterly music review

A Century Later, Latin America’s Futboleras Are (Still) Fighting for Recognition
A new book traces the struggle for equality on the soccer pitch and beyond.

At the Havana Biennial, Artists Test Limits on Free Expression
Cuba’s biggest contemporary art celebration reflected heightened tensions with the U.S.

Sinfonía por el Perú: Orquestando Inclusión Social
Un programa gratuito de música en Perú esta produciendo más que sonidos.

Sinfonía por el Perú: Orchestrating Social Inclusion
A free music program in Peru is effecting change beyond the concert hall.

Film Review: The Highs and Lows of Mexico City Punk in “This Is Not Berlin”
Set against the 1986 World Cup, “This Is Not Berlin” is an energetic coming-of-age tale from Mexican director Hari Sama.

AQ’s Spring Playlist: The Enduring Allure of Eydie Gormé y Los Panchos
Our latest Latin America playlist features a look back at an all-time classic.

Amid Rio’s Violence, a Local Poetry Movement Offers Hope
“Poesia de Esquina” collects work from aspiring poets and everyday people, offering an outlet for expression in Rio’s City of God favela.

Reckoning with the Shining Path and its Legacy in Peru
A review of The Shining Path: Love, Madness, and Revolution in the Andes.

El potencial de México como sede de la NBA
La NBA es cada vez más una marca global, pero solo hay un lugar donde la expansión internacional tiene sentido.

Two Spies in Caracas: Venezuela’s Collapse, in Truth and Fiction
Venezuelan columnist Moisés Naím’s first novel is both a fast-moving thriller and a warning about growing populist pressures.

The Case for an NBA Team in Mexico
The NBA is increasingly a global brand. But there’s only one place where international expansion really makes sense.

Book Review: Lost Children Archive
Mexican author Valeria Luiselli’s latest novel connects a family’s breakup to broader questions of fragmentation in the U.S. southwest.