18 en Latinoamérica: Navegando el apoyo – y las restricciones – de la iglesia
Read in English Es sábado por la tarde y Lesly está saludando amigos frente a un edificio de cuatro pisos en las afueras de Lima. Brazaletes de color turquesa cuelgan de sus dos muñecas mientras que saluda y charla. Un bombo retumba al fondo y un cantante prueba el micrófono, comenzando los ensayos para la … Read more

18 en Latinoamérica: Cuando problemas económicos amenazan con truncar un futuro alentador
Read in English A los 18 años, Andrés sabe exactamente lo que quiere: un trabajo en un laboratorio de química analítica y una esposa hermosa. Pero sin duda es difícil conseguir esto. Lograr su primera meta, convertirse en químico, significa levantarse a las 4 de la mañana en Puente Viejo, un pueblo rural a dos … Read more

18 na America Latina: Da favela para o mundo, através das redes sociais
Read in English Sabrina assume o centro do palco. Sob pequenas luzes de Natal coloridas, com um sorriso largo e bochechas arredondadas moldando o rosto, ela parece ter menos que seus 19 anos. Mas quando começa a recitar sua poesia, sua voz entra na cadência dura do rap para contar uma história bem adulta, sobre … Read more

18 in Latin America: When Economic Turmoil Threatens a Promising Career
Leer en español This article is adapted from AQ’s print issue on youth in Latin America. At 18, Andrés knows exactly what he wants: a job in an analytical chemistry lab and a beautiful wife. It sure is hard to get there, though. Reaching that first goal — becoming a chemist — means getting up at 4 a.m. in … Read more

The Forgotten Betrayal of Southern Brazil’s Black Revolutionaries
This article is adapted from AQ’s print issue on youth in Latin America. Every September, the famously proud residents of Rio Grande do Sul state celebrate Farroupilha Week, a remembrance of a 19th-century revolution in which the region tried — but ultimately failed — to secede from the rest of Brazil. In the state capital of Porto Alegre, festivities … Read more

How Latin American Governments Favor the Old
This article is adapted from AQ’s print issue on youth in Latin America. In economics it’s known as a demographic windfall—when, in the course of a nation’s development, diminishing birth rates mean fewer hungry mouths to feed relative to the number of young people in their working prime, with still comparatively few retirees living off … Read more

Where Is the Latin American Macron?
Latin America is young – the median age is 30 – but many of its presidents are past retirement age. AQ’s editor-in-chief looks for the next generation.

Today’s Latin American Dream: A Decent Job
Leer en español This article is adapted from AQ’s issue on youth in Latin America. “A door to a new world of possibilities.” That is how Marisol, 26, described enrolling with a local program that teaches young women to write computer code. After six months in Laboratoria, she became a junior front-end developer, escaping the … Read more

18 in Latin America: Soccer Star, or Car Mechanic?
Leer en español This article is adapted from AQ’s print issue on youth in Latin America. It had been a particularly violent day in El Salvador when Maynor walked into a Mister Donut at 7 p.m. sharp for an interview. When the country makes international news, it’s often because of the pandillas, the gangs. That Wednesday … Read more

18 in Latin America: From a Favela to the World, Via Social Media
How Sabrina turned love of community, a way with words and a talent for communication into a career.

Happening Today: AQ’s Launch Event on U.S.-Mexico Relations
Despite a common border and more than two decades of shared prosperity and partnership, the U.S.-Mexico relationship faces new challenges. Join Americas Quarterly as we launch our latest issue on the economic, political, and cultural ties that bind the two neighbors. Panelists will include three honorees from our Top 5 Border Ambassadors feature, who will discuss where … Read more

Tijuana Is for (Opera) Lovers
Leave the stereotypes aside. Tijuana’s annual Ópera en la Calle is a symbol of the city’s rich and evolving cultural identity.

Trump’s Border, As Seen on TV
This article is adapted from AQ’s special issue on the U.S.-Mexico relationship. To receive AQ at home, subscribe here. Those looking for affirmation of President Donald Trump’s “bad hombres” idea of the border are more likely to find it in fiction than in fact. Through much of its history, Hollywood has portrayed U.S.-Mexico relations through a lens of antagonism, or … Read more

The Art of the U.S.-Mexico Border in AQ’s Latest Culture Issue
AQ is proud to offer the third installment of “Cultura,” our in-depth look at art and culture in Latin America and the Caribbean. As part of our special issue on U.S.-Mexico relations, for this edition we keep our eyes trained on the border, and find that the space where the U.S. and Mexico meet is … Read more