Latin America’s Revolutionary Generation: A Look Back
Three recent memoirs take a look at some of Latin America’s most tumultuous chapters, and how baby boomers experienced them to the fullest.
Three recent memoirs take a look at some of Latin America’s most tumultuous chapters, and how baby boomers experienced them to the fullest.
The Brazilian attorney general who prosecuted the historic corruption case reflects on its lessons in this exclusive article for AQ.
This article is adapted from AQ’s print issue on transparency and the 2018 elections Leer en español | Ler em português Paraguay’s so-called Heist of the Century began just after midnight in April, when approximately 60 armed bandits poured out of the back of a cargo truck at the main offices of Prosegur, an armored … Read more
Why political corruption persists in Mexico – and some ideas on how to fix it.
The startling find that revealed a grim and intentionally obscured aspect of the past.
This article is adapted from AQ’s print issue on peace and job creation in Colombia Art can reflect society, or be used to change it. In the latest issue of AQ, we highlight the Top 5 Latin American visual artists whose work offers both a lens through which to view the world, and a tool with which to … Read more
Este artigo foi adaptado da edição impresa de AQ sobre Colômbia | Leer en español | Read in English Todos acompanhamos as machetes. A Petrobras, a estatal de petróleo brasileira, tornou-se, nos últimos anos, uma síntese de disfunção e corrupção, o epicentro do escândalo conhecido como Operação Lava-Jato, que resultou em pelo menos US$ 5 bilhões … Read more
After years of financial uncertainty, the Brazilian oil giant is back from the brink – and beating regional competitors.
For decades, Magín Díaz’s musical influence went unrecognized. Now, Grammy nominations in hand, he’s making up for lost time.
Geography and a lack of security have stunted Colombia’s infrastructure development. The country needs to be connected for peace to take hold.
For our latest print issue on Colombia, we asked experts, executives, politicians and everyday people about the biggest issue facing Colombia’s next president. See all of their answers here. The top priorities of Colombia’s next president should be enhancing preventive anticorruption measures, fostering integrity and openness at all levels in government and society, and actively cooperating with … Read more
For our latest print issue on Colombia, we asked experts, executives, politicians and everyday people about the biggest issue facing Colombia’s next president. See all of their answers here. | Leer en español There are three great challenges facing Colombia’s next government: implementing peace, strengthening democracy and eliminating corruption. Failing to fulfill the peace agreements with the FARC … Read more
Without conflict to bring them together, Colombians are confronting their differences, and engaging in the messy business of democracy.
Para nuestra edición impresa de AQ sobre Colombia en el post-conflicto, preguntamos a varios colombianos, incluso a expertos, ejecutivos, y políticos, sobre el mayor problema que enfrenta el próximo presidente de Colombia. Ver todas las respuestas aquí. | Read in English Para que sigamos en el sendero de la construcción de paz en Colombia, debe ser prioridad para el próximo Presidente … Read more