Book Review: Conquistadores: A New History
Fernando Cervantes’ detailed examination of history allows for a timely reframing of Columbus’ conquest.
Film Review: Eduardo & Mônica
René Sampaio directs an unlikely love story inspired by the lyrics of late composer Renato Russo.
A Year of Change on the Paraná River
Islanders in Argentina’s Paraná Delta fight to keep local traditions alive amid environmental and public health emergencies.
Q&A: A Guatemalan Farmer Battles Climate Change
Enrique Samayoa is confronting the effects of climate change with traditional farming practices.
Book Review: Red Ants
Pergentino José’s first short story collection celebrates Zapotec culture, while underscoring the threats it faces.
Under Biden, Big Changes on Drugs and Crime Seem Unlikely
A December report could lead to some modifications of U.S. anti-drug policy, but no dramatic steps.
School’s Out in Most of Latin America. Gangs Are Thrilled.
With 97% of Latin American kids out of class, some criminal groups see a bonanza in recruitment.
Sponsored Content: What COVID-19 Revealed About Illicit Trade
There is hope for combating illicit trade in 2021, but we have to act together.
Criminal Organizations Often Control Territory
A few examples of areas in Latin America that governments don’t reach. Click on map for more details. This article is adapted from AQ’s special report on transnational organized crime. Organized crime and paramilitary groups effectively control large areas in Latin America, taking advantage of governments’ insufficient resources, geographic difficulties or lax policies. Their territory often … Read more
7 Big Players in Transnational Crime in Latin America
The region’s criminal groups are increasingly sophisticated. AQ profiles some of the most visible.
Nuevo en AQ: ¿El gran ganador de la pandemia? El crimen organizado
La COVID-19 ha sido fantástica para el crimen organizado. Una mejor coordinación internacional podría mitigar al menos parte de los daños.
Novo na AQ: Quem saiu ganhando nesta pandemia? O crime organizado.
A COVID-19 tem sido ótima para o crime organizado. Um aumento da coordenação internacional poderia aliviar pelo menos parte dos danos.