Politics, Business & Culture in the Americas

Piñera’s Approval Rating Gets a Boost

Chilean President Sebastián Piñera’s approval rating rose to 33 percent in May, according to a poll released on Monday by Santiago-based pollster Adimark Gfk. The boost is due to the Central Bank’s mid-May report that the Chilean economy grew 5.6 percent in the first quarter of 2012. Adimark reported that lower fuel prices and Piñera’s … Read more


Colombia’s Agribusiness: “Product of Elsewhere”

Local markets are one of the more quintessential Colombian scenes. Strolling through one, a visitor will find colorful and juicy fruits, aromatic species and herbs, fresh produce and diary. Due to its tropical location, Colombia is privileged to be able to produce these goods all year long. But today most of these products come from … Read more


Social Media and Democracy

We started to begin seeing the potential of the Internet in democratic elections with the candidacy of Howard Dean for the Democratic presidential nominations in 2004. In the 2008 election, candidate Barack Obama brought it to a new level as he clearly mobilized a new generation voters on his way to the presidency. During the … Read more


Monday Memo: [i]AQ[/i]’s Top Expected Stories for the Week of June 4

Top stories this week are likely to include: proposed OAS human rights commission reform; OAS meeting underway in Bolivia; Pacific Alliance meeting on Wednesday; Peru-Chile relations; and no end in sight to the anti-mining protests in Peru. OAS Human Rights Reform Considered: Organization of American States (OAS) member states such as Ecuador and Venezuela are … Read more


La crisis de la policía boliviana

La jerga delincuencial de los policías bolivianos En Bolivia, los policías destinados fuera de su lugar de origen pagan un “diezmo” (10 por ciento de su salario) a sus superiores. Llaman “saludar” cuando pagan por obtener determinado cargo; “aceitear” cuando exigen dinero para agilizar algún trámite; y “formar” cuando piden a un funcionario presentarse a … Read more


Mexican Presidential Race Tightens

The latest polls out of Mexico show Partido de la Revolución Democrática (PRD) candidate and 2006 runner-up Andrés Manuel López Obrador trailing only four points behind longtime frontrunner and Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI) candidate Enrique Peña Nieto. Yesterday’s poll, published by La Reforma newspaper, shows López Obrador capturing 34 percent of the vote versus Peña … Read more


Mexico’s Presidential Race: Arrests, Restless Youth and Inequality

Mexico’s presidential race does not disappoint. Like any good Latino novela, the campaign has a remarkable ability to weave extramarital affairs, dirty money, lies, accusations, paybacks, hitmen, and cover-ups into a national storyline that has Mexicans, diplomats, investors, the Church, and experts questioning the country´s future. Arrests, restless youth and growing social inequality are some … Read more


FARC Releases French Journalist

After being held hostage for 33 days by the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC), Romeo Langlois was handed to a humanitarian mission on Wednesday afternoon in the department of Caquetá. The mission was composed of delegates from the International Committee of the Red Cross, a representative of the French government and members of the … Read more


El regreso de Roméo Langlois: una liberación ‘sui géneris’

Tal y como habían anunciado el domingo, las FARC liberaron al periodista francés Roméo Langlois quien terminó en su poder en medio de un combate de guerrilleros y unidades del Ejército que adelantaban operaciones antinarcóticos, el pasado 28 de abril. Lo que por supuesto no se había anunciado es que el operativo de la liberación … Read more


Weekly Roundup from Across the Americas

Peru Declares State of Emergency amid Mining Protests The Peruvian government declared a state of emergency yesterday in the southeastern province of Espinar after a week of protests left at least two dead and 70 injured. Espinar residents are protesting a $1.5 billion expansion of the Tintaya copper mine, claiming that the mine’s Swiss owner … Read more


Bolivian Senator Seeks Asylum in Brazilian Embassy

Bolivian Senator Roger Pinto, leader of the opposition bloc Convergencia Nacional (National Convergence—CN), sought refuge at the Brazilian embassy in La Paz on Monday. In a written statement to other members of the bloc released yesterday, Pinto claimed that he has been the victim of political persecution and the recipient of multiple threats directed toward … Read more


Canada’s End of Mission in Afghanistan

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper reflected the mood of Canadians when he announced at last week’s NATO Summit that troops will leave Afghanistan by the end of 2014.  While supportive of the original engagement in 2001 and proud of the work of our Canadian troops, Canadians generally want out of this seemingly never-ending conflict.  No … Read more


Peru Declares State of Emergency after Mine Protest Violence

Peru’s government declared a 30-day state of emergency in the southern Andean province of Espinar yesterday after clashes between anti-mining protesters and police officers. The state of emergency suspends a number of civil liberties, including the right to freedom of assembly. It also grants local police officers responsibility over public order. Protestors have been demonstrating … Read more


Guatemala and the Siege of Santa Cruz Barillas

Last week Guatemalan President Otto Pérez Molina lifted the state of siege on Santa Cruz Barillas in which 17 residents were arrested for public disturbances. But tensions still remain high weeks after community members first demonstrated their opposition to the building of the new Hidralia Energia dam in this primarily Indigenous town close to the … Read more


UN Raises Issue of Sexual Violence in Colombia

United Nations Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict Margot Wallström this week undertook a four-day mission to Colombia in an effort to highlight ongoing problems of violence against women. “I understand that the country as a whole wants to look to the future, instead of dwelling on the past, but there can be no … Read more

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