Dariela Sosa
Dariela Sosa helped form Futuro Presente, an organization that helps mobilize young people to speak out for democracy and rule of law in Venezuela.
Rodrigo Diamanti
Rodrigo Diamanti helped form Futuro Presente, an organization that helps mobilize young people to speak out for democracy and rule of law in Venezuela.
Aníbal Gálvez Rivas
Aníbal Gálvez Rivas is a researcher at the Instituto de Defensa Legal in Lima, Peru.
Ramona Carey
Ramona Carey, Presidential Management Fellow and special assistant to Alice Hill, contributed to this article.
Alice Hill
Alice Hill, a retired judge for the Los Angeles Superior Court, is the senior counselor to the secretary of the United States Department of Homeland Security.
General Douglas Fraser
General Douglas Fraser is commander of U.S. Southern Command
Genaro García Luna
Genaro García Luna Mexico’s Secretary of public security.
Sérgio Cabral
Sérgio Cabral is governor of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He assumed office in January 2007.
William Andrews
William Andrews has worked with Mr. Bratton for 20 years in police agencies and in police consulting and served as special assistant to Mr. Bratton at the NYPD.
William J. Bratton
William J. Bratton has served as New York City Police Commissioner and chief of the Los Angeles Police Department.
Kaveh Safavi
Kaveh Safavi, MD, JD, is vice president and global lead of the Healthcare Practice.
Frances Dare
Frances Dare, MBA, is director of the Cisco Internet Business Solutions Group (IBSG) Healthcare Practice.
Diana Orcés
Diana Orcés is a research assistant for the Latin American Public Opinion Project (LAPOP). She will receive her PhD from Vanderbilt University this summer.
Fabiano Cruz
Fabiano Cruz works at the Science and Technology Division of the Inter-American Development Bank, in charge of the use of modern ICT for development, including health
Walter H. Curioso
Walter H. Curioso, MD, MPH, PhD, is a Research Professor at Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia in Lima, Peru, and a specialist in biomedical and health informatics.