Politics, Business & Culture in the Americas

Roberto Guerra

Roberto (Bear) Guerra is an award-winning photographer whose work focuses on humanitarian, environmental and social issues around the world, with a focus on Latin America. His images and photo essays have been published and exhibited widely in the U.S. and abroad. Currently based in Oakland, CA, Bear and his wife, journalist Ruxandra Guidi, also collaborate … Read more


Senators John F. Kerry and Robert Menendez

Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., is chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J., is a member of the committee and of the Subcommitee on the Western Hemisphere.


José Urtubey

José Urtubey is co-founder and director of Grupo Tapebicuá, a forest industry group in Argentina


Daniel Artana

Daniel Artana is chief economist at FIEL in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Patricia Mercado, Helen Mack, Cristián Castaño Contreras, and Claudia López

Patricia Mercado is president of Liderazgo, Gestión y Nueva Política S.C. and director of the Instituto Liderazgo Simone de Beauvoir. She was a presidential candidate in Mexico in 2006. Helen Mack is founder and president of the Myrna Mack Foundation. Cristián Castaño Contreras was director of the Mexican Institute of Youth from 2001 to 2006. … Read more


Carlos Yescas

Carlos Yescas is the author of Indigenous Routes: A Framework for Understanding Indigenous Migration. He is a PhD student at The New School for Social Research.


John Echeverri-Gent

John Echeverri-Gent is an associate professor in the Department of Politics at the University of Virginia.


Abraham F. Lowenthal and Pablo Rojas Mejía

Abraham F. Lowenthal is the Robert F. Erburu Professor of Ethics, Globalization and Development at the University of Southern California and president emeritus of the Pacific Council on International Policy. Pablo Rojas Mejía is a junior at Brown University concentrating in Political Science and Economics.


Ernesto Rois-Méndez

Ernesto Rois-Méndez is president of the Latin American Aeronautical Association.


Nicolás and Lucas Entel

Nicolás Entel is an Argentina-born, New York-based film director. Sins of My Father will be premiered at the Sundance Film Festival and will be aired by HBO next fall. Lucas Entel is a PhD student in political science at Yale University, also living in New York.


Mitchell A. Seligson and Daniel E. Moreno Morales

Mitchell A. Seligson is Centennial Professor of Political Science and Professor of Sociology at Vanderbilt University. He is director of the Latin American Public Opinion Project (LAPOP) that coordinates the AmericasBarometer surveys. His most recent book is The Legitimacy Puzzle in Latin America (Cambridge University Press, 2009). Daniel E. Moreno Morales holds a PhD in … Read more


David Barton Bray

David Barton Bray is a professor in the Department of Earth and Environment at Florida International University and board member of EcoLogic Development Fund, a Cambridge, MA, NGO that works on community-based conservation in Mexico and Central America.


Naomi Mapstone

Naomi Mapstone is the Andean correspondent for the Financial Times, based in Lima, Peru. Formerly the FT’s deputy U.S. news editor, she now divides her time between Peru, Colombia, Bolivia, and Ecuador.


Tamaryn Nelson (United States)

Tamaryn Nelson is program coordinator for Latin America and the Carribbean at WITNESS, a New York-based human rights organization.

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