One Year Later: Brazil Has Never Been So Prepared to Fight Fake News
A year after AQ’s special report on misinformation, a leading journalist sees progress.
A year after AQ’s special report on misinformation, a leading journalist sees progress.
La desinformación afecta la confianza en la democracia en la región, pero hay soluciones posibles.
Na campanha eleitoral de 2022, Jair Bolsonaro e seus seguidores podem vir a testar os limites da democracia para proteger seu “direito” de fazer postagens.
En la campaña presidencial de 2022, Jair Bolsonaro y sus seguidores podrán forzar los límites de la democracia para proteger su “derecho a publicar”.
Misinformation is diminishing confidence in the region’s democracies, but there are solutions within reach.
In the 2022 election campaign, Jair Bolsonaro and his followers may test the limits of democracy to protect their “right” to post.
A desinformação está diminuindo a confiança nas democracias da região, mas há soluções possíveis.
Municipal campaigns are awash with misleading propaganda, in a warning sign for the rest of the region.