DeepSeek Reveals Latin America’s AI Crossroads
China’s new large language model, LLM, offers the region a chance to seize AI on its own terms but also brings risks of dependency.

Why AI May Be Better for Latin America Than You Think
A new IMF report adds to a sense Latin America may lose less from the AI revolution than previously thought—though its preparedness is lacking.

AQ Podcast: Warning Lights for Brazil’s Economy?
What to expect from Latin America’s largest economy in 2024

AQ Podcast | Argentina: Javier Milei Runs into Resistance
Javier Milei’s ambitious reform agenda has run into obstacles in Congress. What does it mean for Argentina’s political and economic future?

AQ Podcast: Guyana, Oil and the Resource Curse
An overview of the past, present and future of Guyana’s economy as it deals with the discovery of massive oil reserves.

AQ Podcast: China’s Learning Process In Latin America
Rebecca Ray on how patterns of trade and investment in Latin America have evolved in recent years.

AQ Podcast | Argentina’s Elections And Reasons For Hope
As Argentina’s elections approach in October, a political risk consultant argues that despite the current crisis, there are reasons for optimism in the medium term.

Lula Should Look to the Future, Not the Past
By focusing on interest rates and reindustrialization, Brazil’s president is missing out on the real opportunities facing his government.

A Way Forward for Peru
Closing social gaps is the only way out of constant crisis, writes a former finance minister.

AQ Podcast: How China’s Presence In Latin America Is Changing
Felipe Larraín on how trade and investment flows changed in recent years.

AQ Podcast | Argentina: Trying to Avoid Another 2001
Benjamin Gedan on the crisis brewing in the South American country.

Who Is Colombia’s Next Finance Minister?
José Antonio Ocampo, President-elect Gustavo Petro’s selection, had campaigned for another candidate.

Why Argentina’s Export Boom Is Falling Short
Government policy, macroeconomic trouble and political crisis are holding the country back.

Problems Mount for Ecuador’s Lasso
A shocking rise in crime accompanies institutional division and a stalled government agenda, even as the economy recovers.

Argentina and the IMF: A Never Ending Story
A recent agreement with the lender does little to solve underlying problems.