One Year Later: The Pandemic’s Uneven Toll on Latin American Education
A year after AQ’s education issue, the COVID crisis has magnified learning inequality in the region.

One Year Later: These Latin American Mayors Are Ready to Rise
A year after AQ’s mayors issue, local Latin American leaders are poised to enter national politics.

The Lessons from Latin America’s COVID-19 Turnaround
The region went from being a symbol of pandemic failure to having a lower average number of deaths than industrialized nations. There are important lessons for the future.

The Biggest Risk to Bolsonaro from Congress’s COVID Investigation
The inquiry probably won’t bring down the president, but it has the potential to reduce his chances to win reelection next year.

How the Pandemic Is Accelerating Democracy’s Decade-Long Decline in the Americas
A deeper look at Freedom House data showing slow erosion in freedoms.

Latin America’s True Disaster May Be 2021
As new research shows huge setbacks to education and inequality, the region’s leaders seem to be “sleepwalking,” writes AQ’s editor-in-chief.

Brazil’s Handling of COVID-19 Is a Global Emergency
Even with deaths at all-time highs, Bolsonaro continues to undermine efforts to address the pandemic.

Vaccine Diplomacy: A New Cold War
Russia and China have stepped up their influence in Latin America, complicating President Biden’s hopes of hemispheric dialogue.

Sponsored Content: What COVID-19 Revealed About Illicit Trade
There is hope for combating illicit trade in 2021, but we have to act together.

Conteúdo patrocinado: O que a COVID-19 revelou sobre o comércio ilícito
Há esperança de combater o comércio ilícito em 2021, mas temos de agir em conjunto.

Contenido patrocinado: Lo que COVID-19 reveló sobre el comercio ilícito
Hay esperanza de combatir el comercio ilícito en 2021, pero tenemos que actuar juntos.

How Mayors Are Ignoring Dysfunction and Handling COVID-19 Among Themselves
With nationalism on the rise, politicians in charge of cities are forging alliances and bypassing national governments.

The Peril of a Rudderless Continent
Riven by ideological difference and lacking regional leadership, Latin America faces a slow post-COVID recovery.

Argentine TV’s New Normal
The pandemic is forcing the country’s film and television industry to get (even more) creative.

Having Strong Gender Violence Laws Isn’t Enough
Latin America has passed noteworthy laws to protect women. Implementing them has been harder.