Politics, Business & Culture in the Americas
Rodrigo Oliveira

AQ Top 5 de Chefs Jóvenes: Rodrigo Oliveira

Read in English Por ridículo que pueda parecer, la élite acaudalada de São Paulo tradicionalmente rehuía a los restaurantes “brasileños”. Para esta, una comida de lujo tenía que ser francesa, portuguesa, japonesa o cualquier otra, mientras fuera extranjera –preferencia que era un reflejo de la historia de la ciudad como punto importante de llegada de migrantes, … Read more


Podcast: Cardoso Says Impeachment ‘Not a Happy Day … But It Was Necessary’

Also available for download through the App Store and on all Apple devices. Fernando Henrique Cardoso, president of Brazil from 1995 to 2002 and still an important leader of the opposition, defends the decision by Congress to impeach President Dilma Rousseff. Speaking with AQ editor-in-chief Brian Winter late Sunday as the final votes were being cast, Cardoso … Read more

Dilma and Lula

Podcast: Rousseff Won’t Go Quietly, Even If She Loses Impeachment Vote

Also available for download through the App Store and on all Apple devices. Even if she loses Sunday’s impeachment vote, Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff is likely to keep fighting for her job, says one of the people who knows her best. Thomas Traumann, a political analyst who until 2015 was Rousseff’s spokesman, explains why investors … Read more


This Week in Brazil Podcast: Brazil’s ‘Que Se Vayan Todos’ Moment

Also available for download through the App Store and on all Apple devices. Is Brazil facing a “lost decade” from dual political and economic crises? AQ’s editor-in-chief Brian Winter answers this question in the latest episode of AQ’s new podcast, This Week in Brazil. After a reporting trip to Brazil this past week, Winter concluded that if there’s … Read more

Fora todos

O momento ‘Que se vayan todos’ do Brasil

Read in English Quando a economia da Argentina entrou em colapso no fim de 2001, todo mundo tinha certeza absoluta de quem era a culpa. Distante, hermético e cada vez mais propenso a balbuciar as palavras em seus discursos públicos, o presidente Fernando de la Rua havia conseguido desordenar completamente as contas públicas do governo … Read more

Fora todos

Impeachment and Brazil’s ‘Que Se Vayan Todos’ Moment

Leia em Português When Argentina’s economy collapsed in late 2001, everybody was absolutely sure whose fault it was. Aloof, hermetic and increasingly prone to slurring his words in public, President Fernando de la Rúa had managed to trash the government’s fiscal accounts in just two years in power. Steakhouses and nightclubs were empty, unemployment was … Read more


Book Review: Albina and the Dog-Men

Like Alejandro Jodorowsky himself, Albina and the Dog-Men seems to be all imaginable things at once: a fable and a folktale, a Western, a tragedy, a lewd comedy. A love story. The short novel’s titular character is an albino giant with no memory of her past. By moonlight, Albina unwittingly transforms the men of a … Read more


AQ Top 5 Young Chefs: Rodrigo Oliveira

Leer en español See the rest of the AQ Top 5 As ridiculous as it may sound, São Paulo’s moneyed elite historically shunned “Brazilian” restaurants. Fine dining meant French, Portuguese, Japanese, or anything else foreign — reflecting both the city’s immigrant-heavy background and its prized self-image as distinct from the rest of Brazil. That finally began to … Read more


Argentina to Expand Use of Plea Bargaining, Inspired by Brazil

With the use of plea bargaining, a Brazilian legal team has recovered $785 million stolen in the Lava Jato (Car Wash) corruption scandal, and they’re hunting down another $5.9 billion. You can’t blame Argentina for wanting to use the controversial legal tool to see what it can recoup, too. Inspired by Brazil, Argentine President Mauricio Macri is laying … Read more

Zika Top

The Simple Anti-Zika Trick You Won’t See in Brazil

To combat the spread of the Zika virus, Brazil has zapped male mosquitoes with gamma rays, rolled out cyber mosquitos and smartphone apps, released genetically modified mosquitoes into the wild, and deployed nearly 250,000 troops to spray insecticides and add larvicides where mosquitoes lay eggs. Indeed, Brazilian authorities seem willing to do almost anything to curb Zika’s expansion. Just don’t ask them … Read more

Photo Credit: Day Donaldson / Flickr

This Week in Latin America: Obama in Havana, Venezuela in Crisis

Sign up here to get This Week in Latin America delivered straight to your inbox every Monday. Cuba, Argentina Host Obama: Cuba and Argentina each play host to U.S. President Barack Obama this week, with human rights issues shading both visits. Today, Obama will hold a working meeting with Cuban President Raúl Castro, who will then host a state dinner … Read more

Dilma Lula

The Endgame of Brazil’s Crisis: Four Things to Watch

After one of the most eventful 24 hour periods in Brazilian history, the crisis threatening President Dilma Rousseff appears to have entered its endgame. For those trying to handicap the odds of her impeachment, or simply struggling to make sense of it all, here are four things to watch in coming days:    1. The … Read more


Moody’s: Lula Appointment Could Spell End of Fiscal Adjustment in Brazil

Brazil’s political crisis is moving at such intense speed that it’s hard for even dedicated analysts to keep up. AQ’s editor-in-chief spoke on Tuesday with Moody’s ratings agency’s chief analyst for Brazil, Samar Maziad, about how the changes in Brasilia are affecting the economy. At the time, there were rumors that former President Luiz Inácio … Read more


The Key to Rousseff’s Future – And Maybe Brazil’s, Too

After more than a decade studying Brazil, there are still two things whose popularity I cannot fully explain: bacalhau and the PMDB. The former is a vile salted codfish that no human being should ever be forced to ingest. The latter is the Brazilian Democratic Movement Party, a shape-shifting, ideologically diverse group of politicians that … Read more

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