The Real Cost of Brazil President Michel Temer’s Pension Reform Failure
Dogged by scandal, Temer spent his political capital on survival, leaving little for urgently needed reform.
Dogged by scandal, Temer spent his political capital on survival, leaving little for urgently needed reform.
How a retired Army captain rose from a marginal apologist for torture and dictatorship to a serious contender for Brazil’s presidency.
The federal judge overseeing the Car Wash investigations tells AQ what Brazil needs to further combat corruption.
Food critic Josimar Melo shares his ideal day of eating in Brazil’s largest city.
This article is adapted from AQ’s print issue on transparency and the 2018 elections Today it’s almost as common to see a paulistano strolling down the street with a falafel sandwich as it is to see one chowing down on pastel or pão de queijo. Part of the reason is an influx of refugees and … Read more
Our annual list spotlights five enterprising businesspeople who are making an impact – and a profit.
The Brazilian attorney general who prosecuted the historic corruption case reflects on its lessons in this exclusive article for AQ.
This article is adapted from AQ’s print issue on transparency and the 2018 elections Leer en español | Ler em português Paraguay’s so-called Heist of the Century began just after midnight in April, when approximately 60 armed bandits poured out of the back of a cargo truck at the main offices of Prosegur, an armored … Read more
The startling find that revealed a grim and intentionally obscured aspect of the past.
Brazil’s Central Bank raised eyebrows in December when it lowered its target interest rate to 7 percent. That’s high by global standards, and about average for other major emerging markets, but it was a milestone for Latin America’s biggest economy: 7 percent is the lowest key interest rate in Brazil’s history. That Brazil’s all-time lowest … Read more
Brazil’s sky-high cost of credit hurts the economy; lowering it could be an important step in boosting growth and jobs.
Jailing a presidential frontrunner is “not the Brazilian tradition,” for better and for worse, writes AQ’s editor-in-chief.
The opacity of Switzerland’s banking system served the corruption scheme well. Swiss authorities are looking at ways to change that.
As Brazilians fight against corruption and cronyism, one Supreme Court judge insists on doing things the old-fashioned way.
A look at the sugar and ethanol industry shows why trade barriers are not the best response to globalization’s pressures.