NEW AQ: A Once-in-a-Generation Opportunity for Latin America
A changing world has opened the way for greater nearshoring and regional integration. But action is needed to make it a reality, AQ highlights in this special report.

Por que a globalização não beneficiou a América Latina—e como a região pode reverter isso agora.
Um argumento para o aumento do comércio intrarregional no cenário atual de mudanças globais

Por que América Latina perdió con la globalización—y cómo puede ganar ahora
Un argumento para mayor comercio intrarregional en el mundo cambiante de hoy

Nuevo en AQ: Una oportunidad única para América Latina
Un mundo cambiante ha abierto el camino para mayor nearshoring e integración regional. Pero se necesita acción para hacerlo realidad, destaca AQ en este informe especial.

Novo na AQ: Uma oportunidade única para a América Latina
Um mundo em transformação abre espaço para a inclusão da região na cadeia global de suprimentos e aumento da integração regional. Mas será necessário agir para tornar isto uma realidade, como mostra a reportagem especial da AQ.

WEBCAST: How to Make Nearshoring in Latin America a Reality
On July 27, AQ hosted a conversation on how the region can further integrate into global supply chains.

Why Argentina’s Export Boom Is Falling Short
Government policy, macroeconomic trouble and political crisis are holding the country back.

Latin America Risks Overreacting to Commodities Shock
The region faces particular risk in its economic policy responses to the fallout from the war in Ukraine.

Why Mexico’s Relationship with China Is So Complicated
Integration with both China and the U.S. benefits Mexico, but also presents challenges.

Five Big Ideas for a Post-COVID Latin America
From universal health care to a revival of hemispheric trade talks, it’s time to be bold.

Yes, Really: It’s Time to Revive Hemispheric Trade Talks
The demands of rebuilding regional economies may leave little alternative to a hemispheric trade deal.

The Economic Opportunity Mexico Can’t Afford to Miss
Mexico stands to capitalize on the nearshoring trend, but it will need to cooperate better with the private sector.

Blame Politics for Mexico’s Recession, Not Just the Pandemic
The economy was shrinking long before the virus arrived.

Latin America Is Not Benefiting from the U.S.-China Trade War
Despite some short-term benefits, trade deviation to the region shouldn’t be expected to last.

Why the EU-Mercosur Deal Hinges on Germany’s Reaction to Bolsonaro
Economic and geopolitical interests clash with surging public concern about the environment.