Por que os EUA e a China estão de olho no porto mais remoto do Chile
Punta Arenas se tornou relevante em meio às mudanças nas rotas marítimas, novas indústrias como o hidrogênio verde e a corrida pela Antártica. Os EUA e a China estão prestando atenção.

Five Keys to Better Port Security in Latin America
The region’s maritime hubs face a range of challenges, from narcotics to cyberattacks. AQ asked experts how they can upgrade their defenses.

NEW AQ: Ports Are Latin America’s New Geopolitical Hotspot
From organized crime in Guayaquil to climate change in Panama and nearshoring in Veracruz, seaports are now at the junction of several pressing issues.

¿Por qué Estados Unidos y China se agolpan sobre un puerto en el sur de Chile?
Punta Arenas se encuentra en la intersección de rutas marítimas cambiantes, nuevas industrias como el hidrógeno verde y la carrera por la Antártida. Estados Unidos y China lo han notado.

Why the U.S. and China Suddenly Care About a Port in Southern Chile
Punta Arenas is at the intersection of changing shipping routes, new industries like green hydrogen, and the race for Antarctica. The U.S. and China have noticed.

AQ Podcast: What Trump Would Mean for Latin America Policy
A conversation with the Trump administration’s former ambassador to the OAS

Guatemala Nears a Pivotal Moment on Taiwan
The next administration will face strong incentives from China to ditch Taiwan. The U.S. has an opportunity to step in.

On Trade, Petro Should Emulate Lula, AMLO
A former Colombian planning minister writes that instead of revising trade agreements, his country and others should focus on solving market and government failures.

Is Uruguay’s Trade Agenda Poised for a Breakthrough?
After a surprise meeting with Joe Biden, Uruguayan President Lacalle Pou’s trade push got a boost—but it isn’t easy to open up to a world ruled by realpolitik.

Uruguay’s “Fascinating Gambit” On Trade
The nation is looking past Mercosur to China and the Pacific—and Washington is in danger of missing out.

Guillermo Lasso Searches for a Breakthrough
Ecuador’s president hopes to escape political impasse with a referendum and by pushing forward free trade.

How the U.S. Can Use Trade to Fight Deforestation in Brazil
Without waiting for international partners to follow suit, the U.S. can deploy influential policy tools to tackle deforestation-linked trade.

VIDEO: Latin America and the Globalization Myth
On October 26, AS/COA hosted the launch of a book that challenges the conventional wisdom about globalization.

NEW AQ: A Once-in-a-Generation Opportunity for Latin America
A changing world has opened the way for greater nearshoring and regional integration. But action is needed to make it a reality, AQ highlights in this special report.

Por que a globalização não beneficiou a América Latina—e como a região pode reverter isso agora.
Um argumento para o aumento do comércio intrarregional no cenário atual de mudanças globais