Politics, Business & Culture in the Americas

How a Competitive Primary Race Could Shape Paraguay’s Future

ASUNCIÓN – When Paraguayans go to the polls on Dec. 17 to choose their parties’ candidates for April’s presidential race, incumbent President Horacio Cartes will not – despite his best efforts – be on the ballot. But Cartes’ legacy, shaped partly by his controversial push for re-election and the protests it sparked, will be. That’s … Read more


Decoding Chile’s Presidential Wild Card, Alejandro Guillier

Correction appended below. Stumping in the central city of Concepción with 13 days to go until the Dec. 17 presidential election run-off, Alejandro Guillier’s rhetoric veered from leftist to provocative when he told the crowd that to pay for free education, his government would take from the wealthy, “so they can help build the country … Read more


Venezuela’s Long Game: What Maduro Stands to Gain on Dec. 10

The victory of Nicolás Maduro’s governing coalition in provincial elections on Oct. 15 marked a turning point for Venezuela’s opposition. The government proved it had a winning formula to keep its opponents’ electoral prospects in check – through trickery, repression and coercion – despite Maduro’s limited support among the population. The MUD opposition coalition, by … Read more


Mexico 2018: It’s Not the Economy, Stupid

Emerging media consensus is that Mexico’s Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) will likely name Treasury Secretary José Antonio Meade as its candidate for president in 2018. Such a move would serve the unpopular ruling party on two fronts: it would muffle inherent opposition to the PRI as an institution (Meade is not a party member), and … Read more


Venezuela’s Default: What Is Maduro Thinking?

The Venezuela debt saga continues to confound investors, with many wondering what exactly the government is hoping to accomplish with its current strategy. The possible explanations range from a search for a new scapegoat for the ongoing economic crisis (with the initials DJT), to a savvy maneuver to reduce the country’s liabilities. Trying to read … Read more


Camilo Enciso: To Ensure Peace Lasts, Put the Brakes on Corruption

For our latest print issue on Colombia, we asked experts, executives, politicians and everyday people about the biggest issue facing Colombia’s next president. See all of their answers here. The top priorities of Colombia’s next president should be enhancing preventive anticorruption measures, fostering integrity and openness at all levels in government and society, and actively cooperating with … Read more


Fernando Carrillo: Leaders Must Address Voter Skepticism

For our latest print issue on Colombia, we asked experts, executives, politicians and everyday people about the biggest issue facing Colombia’s next president. See all of their answers here. | Leer en español There are three great challenges facing Colombia’s next government: implementing peace, strengthening democracy and eliminating corruption. Failing to fulfill the peace agreements with the FARC … Read more

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María Victoria Llorente: Los cinco desafíos del próximo presidente de Colombia

Para nuestra edición impresa de AQ sobre Colombia en el post-conflicto, preguntamos a varios colombianos, incluso a expertos, ejecutivos, y políticos, sobre el mayor problema que enfrenta el próximo presidente de Colombia. Ver todas las respuestas aquí. | Read in English Para que sigamos en el sendero de la construcción de paz en Colombia, debe ser prioridad para el próximo Presidente … Read more

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