The Imminent Election Crisis in Brazil
Still trailing in polls, Bolsonaro seems determined to stay in power. AQ’s editor-in-chief examines potential scenarios for the confrontation ahead.

Chile Could Become “Plurinational.” What Does That Mean?
AQ demystifies the term and how it’s been applied elsewhere in Latin America, as a vote on Chile’s new constitution approaches.

Venezuela: Now Is Not the Time to Reduce Global Scrutiny
Maduro’s human rights abuses continue, despite talk from politicians elsewhere in Latin America.

For Chile’s Constitution Referendum, Moderate Voters Are Key
Proposals from both campaigns and an obligatory vote could still affect the outcome.

AQ Podcast: Latin America’s New Pink Tide and a Look at Brazil
Oliver Stuenkel on the consolidation of a wave of leftist and left-leaning leaders in the region

Latin America’s Parliamentarism Problem
Legislatures are gaining more power across the region—but the outlook for governance doesn’t look good.

Guatemala’s March Toward Authoritarianism
Newspaper director José Rubén Zamora’s jailing reflects the international community’s failures.

Could Democracy Backslide in Colombia?
The country’s oil industry may hold the answer.

AQ Podcast: Denise Dresser on Mexico-US Relations and What AMLO Really Wants
The political analyst on AMLO’s attitude towards the US and Mexican domestic politics

In Panama, Protesters Want Deeper Reform
The demonstrations that have rocked the country for weeks go far beyond inflation.

One Year Later: These Latin American Mayors Are Ready to Rise
A year after AQ’s mayors issue, local Latin American leaders are poised to enter national politics.

AQ Podcast: Colombia’s Petro Prepares for Government
The president-elect promised sweeping changes to Colombia’s economy and society. What will he be able to deliver?

Latin America’s Second Pink Tide Looks Very Different from the First
Today’s leftist leaders face much tougher challenges than did their predecessors.

The Race Begins for Mexico’s Next President
The president’s attention is devoted to lining up a successor, but several figures in the ruling party want the nomination.

A Year After Cuba’s Uprising, the Aftershocks Continue
The government has failed to address the discontent that drove the demonstrations of July 2021.