Book Review: Torto Arado
Itamar Vieira Júnior’s searing novel has captivated Brazil’s literary scene.

Book Review – Cuba: An American History
Ada Ferrer dives into Cuba’s deep connection with its northern neighbor.

Life in Oaxaca for the Ones Who Stayed Behind
Photographer Eva Lépiz followed families in southern Mexico, from where many relatives have migrated to the U.S.

Book Review: Understanding Mexico’s Security Conundrum
Agustin Maciel-Padilla’s new book looks beyond the simple narratives about the country’s violence.

Book Review: Dirty Gold
A team of reporters unveils a real-life tale of greed, glamour, and a trail of destruction.

AQ’s Winter 2021 Playlist
A new collaboration has led to Ecuadorian singer Mariela Condo’s first album in five years.

Book Review: Conquistadores: A New History
Fernando Cervantes’ detailed examination of history allows for a timely reframing of Columbus’ conquest.

Film Review: Eduardo & Mônica
René Sampaio directs an unlikely love story inspired by the lyrics of late composer Renato Russo.

Book Review: Red Ants
Pergentino José’s first short story collection celebrates Zapotec culture, while underscoring the threats it faces.

Film Review: Song Without a Name
In director Melina León’s debut, a woman’s personal tragedy speaks to the wider costs of Peru’s internal conflict in the 1980s.

AQ’s Fall 2020 Playlist
AQ’s last playlist of 2020 features a group of Brazilian performers who met a difficult year head-on.

Povos Indígenas do Alto Xingu estão em luto prolongado
Obrigados pela pandemia a cancelar a tradicional cerimônia do Kuarup, povos pedem para não serem esquecidos.

Indigenous Brazilians Must Look Abroad for Support
A leader from the Kuikuro people of Upper Xingu describes how they are fighting the pandemic — on their own.

What Centuries of Latin American History Say About Inequality
Marie Arana’s Silver, Sword, and Stone shows why understanding the intersection of Latin America’s past and present is more vital than ever.

The Gringo YouTubers Getting Latin America to Hit Subscribe
Social media influencers with an accent are gaining subscribers across Latin America.