Politics, Business & Culture in the Americas


Amid Nationalist Wave, Brazilian Diplomats Look Back on the Art of Foreign Policy

A new book reflects on a mosaic of diplomatic strategies from Latin America and beyond, edited by Benoni Belli and Filipe Nasser.


After Marielle, These Black Women Are Changing the Face of Brazilian Politics

After the March murder of Rio Councilwoman Marielle Franco, a new wave of black, female politicians has won elected office.


What Jair Bolsonaro’s Reading List Says About How He’ll Govern

The Brazilian president has displayed numerous books at events and on social media. Some appeal to his base, while others seem aspirational.


Jair Bolsonaro’s Five Policy Priorities and How Likely He’ll Get His Way

From pension reform to agribusiness, Bolsonaro has the support to overhaul policy on these five issues. 


Top 5 Figures in Bolsonaro's Government
Ten Key Figures for Brazil’s New Government

A close look at the president’s inner circle—and the world views vying for his attention.

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A $4.6 Billion Problem for the Americas

How illegal tobacco has become a vehicle to finance organized crime and terrorist groups.

The Long View

Argentina, Chile and the Antarctic Treaty That Eased Cold War Tensions

Latin American nations helped preserve Antarctica for peaceful purposes, a story still relevant today.  


Smolansky: “We Just Need the Armed Forces to Take the Step”

In an AQ exclusive, the exiled opposition leader speaks about Venezuela’s “unified front” against Maduro.


El curioso caso de Alfredo Olmedo, “El Bolsonaro Argentino”

Read in English Por años, el congresista Alfredo Olmedo ha usado su característica chaqueta de color amarillo brillante y sus opiniones controversiales para sobresalir entre sus colegas políticos. Ahora, como candidato a la presidencia de las elecciones de Argentina en octubre, su estilo contra el establecimiento ha provocado comparaciones con otro Latinoamericano incendiario: el presidente … Read more


Dear Davos, About Bolsonaro…

Brazil’s bold economic reform agenda comes with several potential hitches.


Uma caixa preta revoluciona a pirataria na América Latina

Esta pequena “caixa preta” transmite filmes, TV e serviços de streaming como o Netflix por uma fração do custo normal. Ela é extremamente popular e absolutamente ilegal. 


El insidioso aparato revolucionando la piratería en América Latina

La “caja negra” transmite películas, televisión y servicios de streaming como Netflix a una fracción del costo regular. Es increíblemente popular y completamente ilegal.

Top 5

Gabriela Leon-3
AQ Top 5 Latin American Inventors: Gabriela León

A Mexican engineer fighting the spread of viruses.  

Top 5

eduardo fernandez
AQ Top 5 Latin American Inventors: Eduardo Fernández

An Argentine consultant spreading his love of invention.  

Top 5

AQ Top 5 Latin American Inventors: Carlos Monroy

A 27-year-old biologist helping Mexicans breathe better

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