Politics, Business & Culture in the Americas

AQ Podcast | Venezuela: Possible Paths Forward 

An analysis of opposition strategies, the solidity of Maduro's regime and international efforts for a negotiated way forward
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Since the election on July 28 Nicolás Maduro has unleashed a wave of repression not seen in Venezuela before. The question on everyone’s mind is, what now? Will Venezuela move further down the path of a dictatorship, or is there some chance of a negotiated solution that might lead to a democratic transition? In this episode, Roberto Patiño, a civil society leader and a member of one of the opposition parties, discusses the opposition’s strategies, evaluates the positions taken by Brazil, Colombia, the U.S. and Mexico and describes what he sees as cracks in the Maduro regime.

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Brian Winter is the editor-in-chief of Americas Quarterly.  


Roberto Patiño is a civil society leader and a member of Primero Jusiticia, an opposition party

If you’d like to know more:

Venezuela’s Next Phase: “Autocratic Legalism” by José Ignacio Hernández

What to Watch as Maduro Seeks to Keep Power in Venezuela by Brian Fonseca

How to Understand Brazil’s Stance on Venezuela’s Election by Oliver Stuenkel

Nicolás Maduro Goes “Full Ortega” by Brian Winter

Tags: 2024 Venezuela election, AQ Podcast, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Nicolás Maduro
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