Jacques Coste
Coste is a columnist at Expansión Política and author of Derechos humanos y política en México (2022).

Alberto Quiroz
Quiroz is an economist and a public affairs and political risk consultant in the energy sector at Integralia, in Mexico City.

Rafael Uzcátegui
Uzcátegui is a sociologist and the Co-Director of Laboratorio de Paz, an NGO dedicated to promoting democracy and human rights in Venezuela. Previously, he was the General Coordinator of PROVEA, another Caracas-based NGO focused on defending economic, social, and cultural human rights.
Anais Gonzalez
Gonzalez is a graphic designer for Americas Quarterly.

Michelle Sicard Jimenez
Sicard Jimenez is a policy intern at the Council of the Americas in Washington, DC and a graduate student at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). She was previously an editorial assistant at AQ.

Mark Viales
Viales is a freelance journalist based in Yucatán
Carmen Cifuentes V.
Cifuentes is an economist from Universidad Católica de Chile and a researcher at its Centro Latinoamericano de Políticas Económicas y Sociales (CLAPES UC).

Sarah Zukerman Daly
Daly is an Associate Professor of Political Science at Columbia University and a Nonresident Scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. She is an expert on war, peace, democracy, crime, and Latin America and author of “Violent Victors: Why Bloodstained Parties Win Postwar Elections” and “Organized Violence After Civil War: The Geography of Recruitment … Read more

Steven E. Hendrix
Hendrix is chief executive of Hendrix LLC and senior research fellow at DePaul University College of Law. He is a former career diplomat and Coordinator for Foreign Assistance of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) at the U.S. State Department.

Benigno Alarcón Deza
Alarcón Deza is the Director of the Center of Government and Political Studies at Universidad Católica Andrés Bello in Caracas.

Valeria Vásquez
Vásquez is a senior political risk analyst at Control Risks

Beatriz Borges
Borges is a lawyer, academic, and human rights defender from Venezuela. She is the executive director of the non-profit CEPAZ (The Justice and Peace Center) and an associate professor and researcher at the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello.

Mie Hoejris Dahl
Dahl is an interdisciplinary social scientist and journalist with Master’s degrees in International Business and Politics, International Management, and Public Administration from Copenhagen Business School and the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. Dahl is in Caracas, covering the fallout of the election.

Tamara Taraciuk Broner
Taraciuk Broner is the Inter-American Dialogue’s Peter D. Bell Rule of Law Program director. She previously was deputy director of Human Rights Watch’s Americas Division and has covered Venezuela since 2008.

Dánae Vílchez
Vílchez is a Nicaraguan journalist specializing in human rights, feminism, politics and migration.