Politics, Business & Culture in the Americas

Rob Ruck

Rob Ruck is senior lecturer and historian at the University of Pittsburgh and the author of Raceball: How the Major Leagues Colonized the Black and Latin Game (March 2011).


Fabian Koss

Fabian Koss currently serves as youth program coordinator in the Office of External Relations at the Inter-American Development Bank.


Simon Wardle

Simon Wardle is executive vice president and chief strategy officer at Octagon Worldwide and manages Octagon’s Insights & Strategy Unit.


Simon Kuper

Simon Kuper is a columnist for the Financial Times, author of Soccer Against the Enemy and co-author of Soccernomics. Both books are published by Nation Books.


Andrew Zimbalist

Andrew Zimbalist is the Robert A. Woods Professor of Economics at Smith College. He has written extensively about Latin America and the sports industry.


Yoloxóchitl Casas Chousal

Nacida en la Ciudad de México, Yoloxóchitl (Yolo) Casas Chousal es periodista de profesión y feminista por convicción. Durante más de 30 años ha incursionado en medios escritos, radiales, televisivos e internet. Editora y compiladora de varios libros sobre periodismo, comunicación, lenguaje de género y la condición de las mujeres. Premio de Periodismo 1989 “Rosario … Read more


Jaevion Nelson

Jaevion Nelson is executive director at the Jamaica Youth Advocacy Network (JYAN), a youth-led volunteer and advocacy organization based in Kingston, Jamaica. He holds an MSc in Social Development and Communication from the University of Wales, Swansea. He is a member of Steering Committee for the HIV Young Leaders Fund (HYLF) and Developing Country NGO … Read more


Daniel Mera Villamizar

Daniel Mera Villamizar es un sociólogo e intelectual público que vive en Bogotá, Colombia. Él trabaja como líder de la Fundación Color de Colombia, un nuevo activismo de clase media negra colombiana. También promueve el proyecto liberal y moderno de la sociedad colombiana. Tiene experiencia directiva en distintos sectores. Twitter: @DanielMeraV. Daniel Mera Villamizar is … Read more


Juan Camilo Plata

Juan Camilo Plata is a researcher for the Latin American Public Opinion Project at Vanderbilt University.


Patrick Corcoran

Patrick Corcoran has written about Mexican politics for World Politics Review and Harvard International Review. He blogs at Gancho and Norteando, the new blog from the Mexican magazine Este País.


Andres Schipani

Andres Schipani is the Andes correspondent for Financial Times.  


Caroline Stauffer

Caroline Stauffer is a guest blogger to AQ Online. She is a Lima-based correspondent for Thomson Reuters and a former Americas Quarterly editorial associate.


Judith A. Morrison

Judith A. Morrison is senior advisor in the Gender and Diversity Unit at the Inter-American Development Bank.


Miguel Diaz

Miguel Diaz served as a professional staff member with the U.S. House Intelligence Committee from 2008 until 2011. He also worked as the director of the South America Program at the Center for Strategic International Studies from 2001 until 2005 and as a senior economist for Nikko Research Center, Inc. in the late 1990s.  


Joel D. Hirst

Joel D. Hirst is a Human Freedom Fellow with the George W. Bush Institute; he tweets at @JoelHirst. Articles: Charticle: The Bolivarian Alternative What is the Bolivian Alternative to the Americas and What Does It Do?

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