What Uruguay Can Teach Us
It’s far from perfect. But Latin America’s strongest democracy offers many lessons, including the value of a strong social safety net, writes AQ’s editor-in-chief from Montevideo.

Nuevo en AQ: Uruguay: el éxito imperfecto de América Latina
Uruguay ha construido una de las democracias más sólidas del mundo, a pesar de sus defectos. En nuestro último informe especial exploramos las muchas lecciones de este país.

Novo na AQ: Uruguai, A história imperfeita de sucesso da América Latina
O Uruguai construiu uma das democracias mais fortes do mundo, apesar de suas falhas. Nesta edição, exploramos as muitas lições que o país oferece.

O que o Uruguai pode nos ensinar
O país está longe de ser perfeito. Mas a democracia mais forte da América Latina oferece muitas lições, incluindo o valor de uma forte rede de segurança social, escreve o editor-chefe da AQ desde Montevidéu.

Uruguay’s Controversial Turn Towards Law and Order
A major law passed by the government has far-reaching implications, including for free expression.

Why Uruguay’s Bet on China Matters for Latin America
A prospective free trade deal could shake up South America’s protectionist trade bloc — and China stands to benefit.

The Mayor Who Wants to Be Uruguay’s President
Yamandú Orsi leads Uruguay’s second-biggest city, but his ambitions don’t stop there.

Farewell to an Unassuming Star of Latin America’s Left
The least flashy leader of the 2000s “Pink Tide” was one of its most effective.

Why Uruguay Finished First in Our Anti-Corruption Ranking
Economy and geography helped the country top the CCC Index. But the key is politics.

Meet the Candidates: Uruguay
Uruguay’s ruling coalition goes for a fourth consecutive term in a campaign marked by a debate over rising crime.

Uruguay Oil Investment Bucks Global Pullback
After decades of standing by as neighbors Brazil and Argentina struck it rich in oil, Uruguay is getting into the action. Oil majors Total, ExxonMobil and Statoil are all making big investments in the tiny South American country, attracted by new projections that Uruguay may hold an “elephant” of an oil field. Problem is, with oil … Read more

After the First Round: José Mujica and the Future of the Frente Amplio party in Uruguay
October 30, 2009 The party in power loses votes. This phrase sums up one of the most consistent rules in Uruguayan electoral history for the last 60 years. As was made perfectly clear during the first round of presidential voting on October 29, the government of Tabaré Vázquez is no exception to this rule. But … Read more
SAME SEX: Rights to get married
“To marry or not to marry?” For Latin America’s gays and lesbians this is not the existential dilemma that it is for most heterosexual couples. It is the object of an intense political struggle waged country by country. With some notable exceptions, same-sex couples across the region cannot enjoy conjugal or parental rights.