Um peixe de 200 quilos muito feio — mas delicioso — vira símbolo do desenvolvimento sustentável na Amazônia
O pirarucu tem potencial de se tornar uma sensação global, dizem os produtores. Mas problemas políticos, logística deficiente e outros desafios atrapalham.

Amazon Case Study: Natura’s Supply Chain
The market leader gets about 17% of its components from the rainforest.

Amazon Case Study: Boutique Chocolate
The region could become a new frontier for cocoa production.

Amazon Case Study: The Shrub Treating Glaucoma
A local cooperative is supplying the world with an essential component for glaucoma treatment.

Amazon Case Study: Making Mining Work
The world’s largest iron ore mine has mitigated its environmental impact, experts say.

Amazon Case Study: A Different Approach to Cattle Ranching
Some producers have reduced gas emissions and taken advantage of misused land.

Amazon Case Study: Robusta in the Rainforest
A sustainable coffee line provides a lifeline to farmers and the forest.

Brazilian Agribusiness: We’re Not the Enemy in the Amazon
Law-abiding farmers strongly oppose illegal deforestation, an industry leader writes.