The Three-Term Mayor Who Defied Chile’s Anti-Incumbent Wave
Carolina Leitao is offering a model for a country currently rethinking what its government should look like.

The Brazilian Political Scion Making His Own Mark
The heir to a political dynasty, João Campos is betting on innovation to build a name for himself in Brazil’s most unequal capital.

The Old-School Politician Doing New Things in Argentina
In Argentina’s northernmost and highest capital, a fourth-term mayor has changed the environmental landscape.

The Mayor Who Wants to Be Uruguay’s President
Yamandú Orsi leads Uruguay’s second-biggest city, but his ambitions don’t stop there.

The History-Making Colombian Mayor Taking on Crime, Coca and COVID
The first female mayor of Tumaco, María Emilsen Angulo took office just in time for a global pandemic.

Why Latin American Mayors Matter More Than Ever
Local leaders are tackling big problems – often without the partisanship paralyzing national politics.

NEW AQ: Where Are Latin America’s Leaders? Look to Its Cities.
The most effective leaders during the pandemic have been mayors. It’s interesting to examine why.

Por qué los alcaldes latinoamericanos son más importantes que nunca
Los líderes locales están abordando grandes problemas – frecuentemente sin el partidismo que paraliza a la política nacional.

Nuevo en AQ: ¿Dónde están los líderes de América Latina? Ve hacia sus ciudades.
Los líderes más eficaces durante la pandemia han sido los alcaldes. Es interesante examinar el porqué.

Novo na AQ: Onde estão as lideranças na América Latina? Olhe para os municípios.
Os líderes mais eficazes durante a pandemia são prefeitos. É interessante analisar o por quê.

AQ Slideshow: The People’s Climate March in New York City
Photos courtesy of David Mark Erickson and Daniel Edelman. Homepage photo by David Mark Erickson. Hundreds of thousands of demonstrators filled the streets of New York City on Sunday to demand that world leaders take concrete steps to address climate change and its consequences. Just two days before government, business, and civil society leaders met … Read more

Latin Americans’ Perceptions of the Challenges of Urban Living
Rapid urbanization has shaped Latin American societies for the last half century. Across the Latin American and Caribbean region, about four out of every five citizens now live in an urban area. Nearly two out of every five citizens of the region live in an urban area with more than 1 million inhabitants.[1] The region’s … Read more

Rethinking Buildings
Read sidebars on public space, governance and energy efficiency. Cities are concentrations of people, buildings and activity. Infrastructure helps knit all of the pieces together and delivers essential services. The traditional infrastructure that supplies many of these services consists of a centralized, fixed-point service facility and a delivery network. Think energy (power plant and transmission … Read more

How Do We Make Sustainable Cities Sustainable Policies?
Read a sidebar on waste and recycling. Several of the region’s high-profile mayors who championed sustainability during their administrations have recently left—or will soon leave—office. This raises an important question: what will happen to the policies and programs they left behind? Incoming mayors have their own agendas and policy preferences, and sustainability initiatives—unlike crime or … Read more

A Tale of Our Cities
In an increasingly urban world, the greatest challenges to quality of life will be in the cities. According to the 2007 United Nations Habitat Global Report on Human Settlements, an estimated 1 billion people live in slums—and the figure is growing. In environmental terms alone, the threat posed by our crowded cities is significant. An … Read more