Como Entender la Solitaria Posición de México Frente a Venezuela
AMLO no ha respondido a la crisis venezolana como muchos esperaban. ¿Por qué?
AMLO no ha respondido a la crisis venezolana como muchos esperaban. ¿Por qué?
AMLO hasn’t responded to the Venezuelan crisis in the way many expected. Here’s one reason why.
To trigger a transition, the government’s beleaguered opponents will likely need to turn up the pressure.
Replacing the bolívar with the dollar would mean losing a policy tool, but the short-term benefits might be worth it.
Cambiar el bolívar por el dólar implicaría sacrificar una herramienta monetaria, pero puede valer la pena.
On Sunday, July 16 more than 7 million Venezuelans – at home and abroad – participated in a symbolic referendum against the constitutional convention proposed by President Nicolás Maduro. I was one of the votes from abroad. Besides casting my ballot, I also volunteered to accompany observers witnessing the process in New York City. We started by visiting … Read more
While it’s tempting to describe President Nicolás Maduro’s government as crazy or erratic, a closer analysis reveals that decision-makers in Caracas operate according to a clear – and effective – set of principles. Indeed, Maduro and his predecessor Hugo Chávez have long been aware of the fact that high-profile ruptures of democratic order – such … Read more
Businesses and entrepreneurs in Venezuela are responding to the country’s crippling economic crisis in all sorts of ways. Many are simply closing their doors – not surprising in a country whose GDP shrank by at least 10 percent last year. But others have reinvented themselves to survive in the country’s off-kilter economy, as new … Read more
Read in English Basta con sondear el ánimo de los venezolanos para entender cómo perciben al gobierno del presidente Nicolás Maduro: más anclado al poder que nunca. Y con razón. A pesar de Venezuela está viviendo una de las crisis políticas y económicas más profundas que haya vivido ningún país latinoamericano en la historia reciente—y … Read more
Leer en español If the mood on the streets of Caracas is a guide, Venezuelans are increasingly reconciling themselves to an uncomfortable idea: President Nicolás Maduro isn’t going anywhere. Despite Venezuela enduring one of the most profound economic and political crises of any Latin American country in recent memory – and amid yearlong calls for … Read more
Leer en español Venezuela’s opposition has had to do some soul-searching. Despite a year punctuated by massive street protests and international condemnation of President Nicolás Maduro’s anti-democratic turns, the Democratic Unity Roundtable (MUD), a coalition of opposition parties, ended 2016 with little to celebrate. Its effort to force a recall referendum on Maduro came to … Read more
Read in English Incertidumbre, temor, esperanza. Betsimar, una caraqueña de 55 años, viene de manifestar contra el gobierno en la multitudinaria concentración que se celebró este miércoles en la ciudad, la llamada “Toma de Venezuela.” Mientras camina de vuelta a su casa recapitula: “Volvimos a las calles y allí vamos a seguir.” En menos de … Read more
Leer en español At each new turn, Venezuela’s political crisis appears headed for climax. But amid political maneuvering and demonstrations by both the government of President Nicolás Maduro and his opposition, the mood on the ground in Caracas remains one of uncertainty – and determination. Betsimar, a 55-year-old woman from Caracas, was one of the … Read more
To see a full list of electoral irregularities that have occurred since Venezuela’s President Nicolás Maduro took office, scroll to the bottom of the page I recently wrote about the one institutional factor that, in my opinion, is keeping Venezuela’s government alive. I called it the judicial shield, which refers to how the Supreme Court … Read more