Lula’s Quest for a Diplomatic Balance Amid Israel-Hamas War
As Brazil presides over the UN Security Council this month, the president has an opportunity to reassume a role as global diplomat.

What the World Gets Wrong About Latin America’s Foreign Policy
Assumptions about the region’s homogeneity and limitations on the international stage don’t hold up, writes one expert.

Brazil Feels Almost Normal Again
After January’s chaos, Brazil’s economy and politics seem to have returned to a more solid footing, writes AQ’s editor-in-chief.

How BRICS Expansion Will Impact South America
The BRICS transformation into a Beijing-led alliance poses a challenge for Brazil and Argentina.

Brazil’s Economic Uptick Is Boosting Lula’s Foreign Policy
Good news at home is freeing up the president to engage abroad, with success at an Amazon summit but enduring controversy elsewhere.

Lula é antiamericano?
É complicado, escreve o editor-chefe da AQ.

Is Lula Anti-American?
It’s complicated, writes AQ’s editor-in-chief.

Por qué América Latina aún merece un papel en Ucrania
Hasta ahora, los esfuerzos diplomáticos de la región han sido ignorados o calificados de pro-Moscú. Eso es un error, escribe un destacado profesor.

Why Latin America Still Deserves a Role on Ukraine
The region’s diplomatic efforts have so far been ignored or described as pro-Moscow. That’s a mistake, a leading professor writes.

AQ Podcast: The Ups And Downs Of Lula’s First Six Months
Political analyst Thomas Traumann on the challenges of Lula 3 and why economic performance has been a lifeline

Courting Lula, China Seeks to Show It Has More to Offer than the U.S.
The Brazilian president’s trip to Beijing will be shaped by numerous agreements and investment promises.

What Lula Sees
Brazil’s president and his allies are acting like they see existential threats everywhere. They’re not wrong, writes AQ’s editor-in-chief.

Lula Should Look to the Future, Not the Past
By focusing on interest rates and reindustrialization, Brazil’s president is missing out on the real opportunities facing his government.

AQ Podcast: Lula 3 So Far
An expert on the history of Lula’s Workers’ Party assesses the president’s third term as it approaches the 100-day mark.

AQ Podcast: Lula’s Challenging Path Forward in Brazil
Following the January 8 attacks, a prominent journalist discusses the efforts to put the country back together.