“It’s Complicated”: Inside Bolsonaro’s Relationship with Brazil’s Military
Brazil’s military still plays a major role in Bolsonaro’s government. But after a wave of firings and public disputes, some say the relationship is in trouble.
Brazil’s military still plays a major role in Bolsonaro’s government. But after a wave of firings and public disputes, some say the relationship is in trouble.
A lieutenant colonel in exile speaks out about the fear and corruption in Maduro’s barracks.
Common threats – and opportunities – call for greater collaboration, writes the commander of U.S. Southern Command.
The transformation of the armed forces has direct implications for the country’s crisis— and a possible transition.
A wave of abuses suggests some soldiers never really adapted to democracy.
An interview with a UN peacekeeping veteran who says combat units are far more effective with a strong female presence .
El ex presidente trató de sacar a las fuerzas armadas de la sombra de la dictadura. ¿Su sucesor cambiará el camino?
La noción de que las fuerzas armadas son inherentemente más limpias no sólo es falsa, sino peligrosa para la democracia en América Latina.
Están de vuelta. Pero los militares han evolucionado desde sus episodios oscuros del pasado, dicen dos expertos del tema.
They’re back – but militaries have evolved since dark chapters of the past, write two leading specialists.
The false notion that the armed forces are inherently cleaner is dangerous to democracy in Latin America.