Susan Segal: Latin America Needs More Infrastructure to Seize Nearshoring Opportunity
Governments must set their infrastructure priorities and define a role for the private sector, writes AS/COA’s CEO.

Cinco claves para mejorar la seguridad de los puertos de América Latina
Los centros marítimos de la región encaran variados desafíos, desde narcóticos hasta ataques cibernéticos. AQ consultó a expertos sobre cómo pueden mejorar sus defensas.

Cinco lições para melhorar a segurança dos portos na América Latina
Os portos da região enfrentam uma série de desafios, de tráfico de drogas a ataques cibernéticos. A AQ perguntou a especialistas como melhorar a segurança.

Por que os EUA e a China estão de olho no porto mais remoto do Chile
Punta Arenas se tornou relevante em meio às mudanças nas rotas marítimas, novas indústrias como o hidrogênio verde e a corrida pela Antártica. Os EUA e a China estão prestando atenção.

Five Keys to Better Port Security in Latin America
The region’s maritime hubs face a range of challenges, from narcotics to cyberattacks. AQ asked experts how they can upgrade their defenses.

NEW AQ: Ports Are Latin America’s New Geopolitical Hotspot
From organized crime in Guayaquil to climate change in Panama and nearshoring in Veracruz, seaports are now at the junction of several pressing issues.

¿Por qué Estados Unidos y China se agolpan sobre un puerto en el sur de Chile?
Punta Arenas se encuentra en la intersección de rutas marítimas cambiantes, nuevas industrias como el hidrógeno verde y la carrera por la Antártida. Estados Unidos y China lo han notado.

Why the U.S. and China Suddenly Care About a Port in Southern Chile
Punta Arenas is at the intersection of changing shipping routes, new industries like green hydrogen, and the race for Antarctica. The U.S. and China have noticed.

AMLO’s Bet on Mexico’s South Is Paying Off—For Now
The initial success of public infrastructure investments will make them an enduring Morena priority. The gains may be a mirage.

Brazil’s Economic Crossroads: Which Path Will It Choose?
Latin America’s largest economy entered the pandemic before it could heal from its worst recession in decades.

Full Steam Ahead: AMLO’s Infrastructure Plan
Mexico’s president is betting on pet projects to spark a post-COVID recovery. Critics see a waste of resources.

Could the Pandemic Start a Biking Revolution in Latin America?
The crisis offers an opportunity to ease the congestion plaguing the region’s roads and public transit systems.

Amid Old Rivalries, South America’s Silver River Promises New Riches
It’s 8 a.m. on a rainy Monday morning in Argentina, and Captain Humberto Duarte is stuck in traffic. A tugboat pushing 16 barges laden with soybean is taking an age to pass under the bridge that spans the river here at Corrientes on the Paraguay-Paraná hidrovía (waterway). The captains of nearby ships voice their frustration … Read more

The Missing Piece of U.S. Aid for Central America
When the road is clear, the drive from Guatemala City to Izabal, about 205 miles away, takes just over five hours. Jose Rodríguez was lucky to make it in eight. Rodriguez, who travels all over the country as a contractor refurbishing pharmacies and supermarkets, was on his way to a job in Izabal this September … Read more

How a New Airport Could ‘Transform the Future’ of Mexico
Leer en español. Mexico City is stuck. Already overcrowded and sinking, the Mexican capital was named earlier this year as the most traffic-congested city in the world. This dubious distinction isn’t surprising, considering that the number of registered cars in the metro area almost doubled from 2005 to 2013. Smog has gotten so bad that authorities implemented … Read more