AQ Podcast: Is Latin America’s Lost Decade Ending?
Former Colombia finance minister Mauricio Cárdenas reviews the significance of better GDP growth for the regions’ economies.

What’s Ahead for India and Latin America?
There’s room for growth in Indian investment in the region, says a specialist.

Industrial Policy Can Rescue Latin America from its Commodities Trap
Policymakers can reduce inequality by moving beyond past failed attempts at diversifying national economies.

Winners and Losers in Latin America’s Commodities Market
Markets are weighing the short- and long-term consequences of the war in Ukraine.

Lo siento América Latina, este no es como el último superciclo de commodities…
Las economías de la región podrían recibir un impulso. Pero no esperemos un milagro

Sorry Latin America, This Is Not Like the Last Commodities Super-Cycle…
Regional economies may get a boost. But don’t expect a miracle either

Bolsonaro Took Aim at China. Then Reality Struck.
Jair Bolsonaro talked tough on China during his campaign. But his tone has changed now that he’s in office. Deep business ties help explain why.

Bolsonaro mirou na China – mas caiu na real
Jair Bolsonaro pegou pesado contra a China durante a campanha. Mas mudou o tom depois que assumiu a presidência. Fortes laços comerciais ajudam a explicar por quê.