Why Alberto Fernández Bet Big on Progressive Reforms
The Argentine president’s abortion bill is part of a series of progressive nods to his weary base.
AQ Podcast: Argentina’s Post-COVID Consensus Is Unraveling
For much of the country, hopes for political consensus increasingly seem like wishful thinking.
Argentina Needs Judicial Reform. Don’t Let Partisanship Get in the Way.
Criticism over the circumstances of the government’s proposed reform could drown out more important questions about the reform itself.
Argentina’s Opposition Has a Dilemma
Frustration over an extended quarantine is forming cracks in the opposition’s coalition.
Alberto Fernández’s Balancing Act in Argentina
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Is the presidential hopeful distancing himself from his running mate?
What Argentina Could Expect from Alberto Fernández
Reading Time: 3 minutes
More than ideology, Fernández’s pragmatism offers clues to how he’d govern.