Introducing AQ’s New Issue: Fixing Brazil
I’d like to start AQ’s special issue on Brazil with a confession. Over the past two years, as Latin America’s biggest country sank ever deeper into crisis, I’ve voiced more or less the same view: That Brazil is resilient, that its long-term history is one of clear growth and progress. That it will come out … Read more

Foi tudo culpa dela?
Read in English Era 12 de outubro de 2010, e o ministro da Fazenda do Brasil estava fazendo uma apresentação para a comunidade financeira de Nova York sob os lustres de cristal da sede da Americas Society/Council of the Americas. Duas semanas antes, Guido Mantega havia causado sensação ao denunciar uma “guerra cambial” global que … Read more

Marina estava certa
Read in English Houve um breve momento durante a campanha presidencial brasileira em 2014 em que Marina Silva parecia destinada a ganhar tudo. Ao escapar notoriamente da pobreza, da malária, intoxicação por mercúrio e outros horrores aos que se expôs crescendo na Amazônia, aprender a ler aos 16 anos, e transformar-se de empregada doméstica em … Read more

Uma primeira análise de 2018
Read in English MARINA SILVA, 58, EX-MINISTRA DO MEIO AMBIENTE Por que ela pode vencer: Atual líder nas pesquisas, ela combina uma postura antielitista com uma plataforma econômica de centro. Mensagem anticorrupção clara, uma história de vida inspiradora. Pode ter apelo entre ricos, pobres e a classe média. Por que ela pode perder: Um colapso no … Read more

Argentina’s Tonolec Experiments With Tradition
When Charo Bogarín and Diego Pérez formed the electronica duo that would become Tonolec in 2000, the music they created had little to do with the cultural heritage of their native Argentina. But when the worst economic crisis in the country’s history hit the following year, that began to change. On a self-described mission to … Read more

10 Things to Do: Buenos Aires
Argentina’s capital, synonymous with steak and tango, has been a tourist hotspot for more than a decade. But there is another city just off the beaten path — and it’s the combination of Buenos Aires’ thriving art scene, legendary nightlife, and friendly locals that keeps visitors coming back. 1. Sip on reds and whites. Visit local wine … Read more

Olha o Picolé
The Brazilian street vendors’ call “Olha o picolé!” (“Look at the Popsicle”) will evoke memories of steamy days for anyone who grew up in Brazil. But the picolé, once considered a cheap alternative to ice cream, has gone upscale. Now sold at shopping malls and even French restaurants, the picolé has become a favorite of … Read more

Book Review: Multiple Choice
The literature of Alejandro Zambra is one of both movement and repose. On one hand, his work — reflected in titles such as Ways of Going Home, Bahía Inútil and Mudanza — brings to mind an expert in packing bags, works of few pages that speak to a traveler who knows in advance that the weight he carries will … Read more

Latin America Could Cut Its Murder Rate By 50 Percent. Here’s How.
Many deaths are unavoidable. Natural disasters and incurable illnesses can claim lives suddenly, without warning. But there is one untimely death that can be avoided – homicide. It is time for Latin America and the Caribbean to set a bold goal to bring down the murder rate. The region is one of the world’s deadliest. It is home … Read more

Ciro? Serra? 10 Candidates Who Could Become Brazil’s Next President
This article is adapted from AQ’s most recent issue, “Fixing Brazil.” To receive the print edition at home, subscribe here. Leia em português MARINA SILVA, 58, FORMER ENVIRONMENTAL MINISTER Why she might win: Current frontrunner combines anti-establishment cred with a centrist economic platform. Clear anti-corruption message. Inspiring life story. Can appeal to wealthy, poor and … Read more

Why Trade Is Key to Brazil’s Economic Recovery
This article is adapted from AQ’s most recent issue, “Fixing Brazil.” To receive the print edition at home, subscribe here. Foreign trade will play an important role in Brazil’s economic recovery. With the cooling of internal demand, the international market is critical for revitalizing national industry — a central element of job and income creation. The importance … Read more

AQ Top 5 Politicians Under 40: Eduardo Leite
This article is adapted from AQ’s most recent issue, “Fixing Brazil.” To see the rest of our Top 5, click here. Leer en español When Eduardo Leite ran for mayor of the small city of Pelotas in Brazil’s southernmost state of Rio Grande do Sul, the son of university professors did not have much of a … Read more

Five Goals for Brazil’s New Foreign Policy
This article is adapted from AQ’s most recent issue, “Fixing Brazil.” To receive the print edition at home, subscribe here. Not long ago, Brazil was at the forefront of the emerging-country movement to transform the global order. As a key member of the BRICS group, it was a vocal advocate for reforming the U.N. Security … Read more

Was It ALL Her Fault? An Economist Re-examines Brazil’s Crisis
This article is adapted from AQ’s most recent issue, “Fixing Brazil.” To receive the print edition at home, subscribe here. Leia em português The date was October 12, 2010, and Brazil’s finance minister was addressing New York’s financial community under crystal chandeliers at the Americas Society/Council of the Americas. Two weeks earlier, Guido Mantega had caused a sensation by denouncing … Read more

Brazil’s Farmers Are Ready for a Boom. Will the Government Let It Happen?
This article is adapted from AQ’s most recent issue, “Fixing Brazil.” To receive the print edition at home, subscribe here. In 1979, Brazilian rancher Flavio Turquino purchased 54,000 acres deep inside Mato Grosso, a landlocked state whose name means “thick forest,” for about $1 an acre. He had already scouted the land in his single-prop … Read more