Sob o comando de Lula, o Brasil pode voltar à liderança regional. Mas será que o país assumirá esse papel?
Um grande nome da diplomacia está novamente no comando do maior país da América Latina—mas o caminho para Lula chegar a uma posição internacional de influência está repleto de obstáculos.

Nuevo en AQ: Lo que significa Lula para el papel de América Latina en el mundo
El destacado perfil de Lula lo convierte en un líder natural en temas como el cambio climático, aunque las recientes polémicas y los retos internos de Brasil podrían limitar sus ambiciones regionales.

Susan Segal: Lula’s Opportunity to Lead the Region
Brazil’s president is in a unique position to direct the region towards an integrated and productive future, writes AS/COA’s president.

Novo na AQ: O que Lula representa para o papel da América Latina no mundo
O carisma e perfil global de Lula fazem dele um líder natural em temas como o meio ambiente, mas polêmicas recentes e dificuldades internas podem limitar suas ambições regionais.

The Complex Legacy of Brazilian Explorer Cândido Rondon
The general was an early advocate for Indigenous people—but reality has fallen brutally short of his ideals.

Brazil Needs a Feminist Foreign Policy
Diplomacy has a major role to play in advancing a gender-conscious approach to trade—its benefits will impact the whole economy.

Photo Essay: What Lithium Extraction Looks Like in Rural Argentina
In Catamarca province, multi-billion-dollar projects are bringing changes to daily life for rural and Indigenous communities.

NEW AQ: What Lula Means for Latin America’s Role in the World
Lula’s high profile makes him a natural leader on issues like climate, although recent controversies, and domestic challenges in Brazil, may limit his regional ambitions.

As Concern Over Crime Rises, Chile’s Boric Shifts Right
The deaths of three police officers in the space of a month has added to the already acute security woes facing the government.

Courting Lula, China Seeks to Show It Has More to Offer than the U.S.
The Brazilian president’s trip to Beijing will be shaped by numerous agreements and investment promises.

AQ Podcast | Argentina’s Elections And Reasons For Hope
As Argentina’s elections approach in October, a political risk consultant argues that despite the current crisis, there are reasons for optimism in the medium term.

In Paraguay, Politicians Await the U.S.’s Next Move
After Treasury Department sanctions against high-ranking politicians for alleged “significant corruption,” what could be next?

What Lula Sees
Brazil’s president and his allies are acting like they see existential threats everywhere. They’re not wrong, writes AQ’s editor-in-chief.

Lula Should Look to the Future, Not the Past
By focusing on interest rates and reindustrialization, Brazil’s president is missing out on the real opportunities facing his government.

Entrevista: Chanceler Mauro Vieira define a “doutrina Lula” para as relações exteriores
O ministro conversa com o editor-chefe da Americas Quarterly sobre a relação com a China, os EUA, a necessidade de reformas em organismos multilaterais e outros temas.