Politics, Business & Culture in the Americas

Peru’s Opposition Plays Hardball

This article has been updated. Correction appended below. Twelve months ago, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski pulled off a major upset when he beat Keiko Fujimori, daughter of the jailed hard-right strongman Alberto Fujimori, in Peru’s presidential runoff. The septuagenarian centrist economist squeaked in by just 41,000 votes — out of a total of more than 17 … Read more


Latin America’s Trump Whisperer

The year was 1967, and worried presidents from across the Americas gathered at a hotel in Punta del Este, Uruguay to discuss a region in crisis. The twin shocks of the Cuban revolution and the Vietnam War were sowing unrest throughout the hemisphere. Ernesto “Che” Guevara was in the mountains of Bolivia, trying to incite … Read more

Veronika Mendoza

AQ Top 5 Jóvenes Políticos: Verónika Mendoza

Read in English Verónika Mendoza había sido congresista en Perú por menos de un año cuando decidió alejarse del Partido Nacionalista Peruano que estaba entonces en el poder y que ella había ayudado a construir por casi una década. El entonces presidente Ollanta Humala había enviado a la policía a pueblos de los Andes para … Read more


Include the Indigenous in Climate Change Talks

Leer en español In the new issue of Americas Quarterly, we asked people, “What would you tell the next U.S. president about Latin America?” To see other authors’ responses, click here. Dear Mister / Madam President, Indigenous communities have contributed the least to climate change, but they have suffered the most from its consequences. Extreme … Read more


Incluya a los indígenas en las discusiones sobre cambio climático

Leer en inglés Estimado(a) Sr(a) Presidente(a): Los pueblos indígenas somos los que menos hemos contribuido al cambio climático pero los que más sufrimos sus consecuencias. Las catástrofes climáticas han puesto en riesgo nuestras fuentes de alimentación y medios de vida tradicionales. Pero nuestros problemas palidecen ante la crisis global de mayores proporciones que no sólo … Read more


This Week in Latin America: Brazil’s New Speaker

Sign up here to get This Week in Latin America delivered to your inbox every Monday. Brazil’s New Speaker: Brazil’s lower house will elect a new speaker on Wednesday, following the tearful resignation of Eduardo Cunha on July 7 amid an ethics investigation. Accused of taking up to $40 million in bribes and lying about an offshore bank account linked to the vast … Read more

Pedro Pablo Kuczynski

This Week in Latin America: Polls Close in Peru

Sign up here to get This Week in Latin America delivered to your inbox every Monday. Peru Votes: With over 90 percent of votes counted as of publication, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski holds a slim lead in Peru’s run-off presidential election thanks to a late surge against his rival Keiko Fujimori. The 77-year-old Kuczynski, who would be the country’s oldest president at the time of taking office, positioned … Read more

Israel Laura

AQ Top 5 de Chefs Jóvenes: Israel Laura

Read in English A los 22 años Israel Laura estaba trabajando en una fábrica de cables eléctricos situada en las afueras de Barcelona, ciudad a la que había emigrado desde Perú siendo adolescente. Ante la poco inspiradora perspectiva de una vida de trabajo en una fábrica, y cansado de saltar de un empleo a otro, … Read more

Keiko Fujimori

Peru Election: The Unlikely Political Endurance of the Fujimoris

Hillary Clinton is not the only former first lady running for president in the Americas. Keiko Fujimori, who served as first lady of Peru in the 1990s during the presidency of her divorced father, is the leading candidate heading into the South American nation’s election April 10. And as might be expected, the Fujimori family’s … Read more

Israel Laura

AQ Top 5 Young Chefs: Israel Laura

Leer en español See the rest of the AQ Top 5 At age 22, Israel Laura was working in an electric cable factory outside of Barcelona, where he had emigrated from Peru as a teenager. Faced with the uninspiring prospect of a life of factory work, and tired of bouncing from job to job, Laura … Read more

Julio Guzman

Peru Election Is ‘Scandalous,’ Says Barred Presidential Candidate

Julio Guzmán is running out of options. Barred from running for president in Peru’s April 10 elections on a technicality, Guzmán late on March 13 lost what appears to be a final legal appeal for his candidacy to be reinstated. A center-right technocrat who worked at the Inter-American Development Bank in Washington for 10 years, … Read more

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